-Super creeped out because gmail tries to suggest possible responses to emails. Also not too long ago I had a VERBAL conversation about hamsters and the next thing I know, I'm getting ads about them on instagram and coincidental re-tweets regarding hamsters. I know google reads everything and there's someone always listening in through phones and smart tvs but this is just blatant. I am but a humble civilian, cut it out. Why not send Dr. Who memes my way instead of badgering me about something I looked at on Amazon once 3 months ago and decided not to buy?
-In other, non-paranoid news, traveling for work always throws me off. But when it's immediately after a time change... Internal clock chaos. This last trip turned out to be super fun, because I ran into a few people that I only see when we all happen to be at a training together. Much fun was had. My Whole30 detox was seriously derailed, but I recovered remarkably fast.... ignoring the fact that I didn't poop for 4 days.
Also I met a fantastic French woman who massively improved my (almost) juggling skills. *puts juggling balls on Christmas list* *Will soon see juggling memes on Pinterest* Also, did you know French people kiss on the cheek to say hello and goodbye? I'm so worldly now.
-Experiencing serious kitty guilt. Because when I used to travel, she'd respond with a "Meh" and go about her nap. Now when I come home after a few days away she's unapologetically needy and requires much attention before she'll settle down and be normal again. She's definitely wanting more attention in her old age and I feel terrible leaving her alone.
-Thanksgiving should be interesting. I offered to host this year, mostly to brag about my new double oven and so I don't have to go anywhere. But the combination of people and situations should be interesting, especially because I haven't seen Chris in months. Yes, he's still my husband. What fun! Bonus points: Ashley actually planned everything and I'm just responsible for a clean house and a turkey and maybe a pumpkin pie. Potential white trash antics depend on how much alcohol gets consumed. I'm counting on Suzy to start spouting governmental conspiracies to derail any tension.
-Chelsea's bachelorette party this weekend. Should be a fun excuse to show some cleavage and sing along at a piano bar. My favorite! I hope they play Friends in Low Places. Looking forward to seeing Suzy (and Ashley had to cancel because Andrew has pinkeye boooo.) Not actually surprised at that last part = grubby kiddos. That just means someone gets a hotel room to themselves and damn I should have reserved one so I could get my points but I actually didn't plan anything... so there's that. The part that's cracking me up the most is Calvin is so paranoid about Andrew's germs that he's screaming and running away from his brother and if that doesn't shout about all our germ paranoias I don't know what does. There was no logical way he could escape it, really. Welcome to our life, kiddo. You'll love the smell of bleach eventually.
-Speaking of Chelsea, I have to get up early to beat the crazy people to the mall tomorrow and buy my future sister in law some lingerie. Only slightly uncomfortable at the thought of buying lingerie that my future niece or nephew might be conceived as a result of... I'm rooting for a niece. For the record.
-Speaking of my brother getting married (OMG I FEEL OLD), I found a sparkly dress that might be slightly too casual so I'm hoping I can dress it up with blingy jewelry and shoes. Also keeping an eye out for another, slightly more fancy dress. And yes, I did clear a sparkly dress with my future sister in law, who responded that a New Years Eve Eve wedding definitely needs sparkly dresses. Because I would never wear a sparkly dress to a wedding without clearing it with the bride first.
All right, so my brain dump consisted of travel guilt/ work crazy (Did I mention I have a new boss that I've never met?), several paranoias, relationship insecurity, and my brother's wedding.
Pretty much sums up life right now. I kinda love it.