21 February 2021

Rambles here we go

Scene: sitting on the couch in my fuzzy pink bathrobe with a glass of wine and Friends on tv, yelling for the cat to come join me but she won't.

Ah. So nice.

Today was one of those days where my feet hit the floor when I got out of bed and I did not stop moving until I plopped my butt on the couch a few minutes ago. But of course I'll get up to fold the clothes and empty the dishwasher when it's done.

Today, though, I got ME time! It's so weird how I bitch about something here and then shortly afterwards I get it. [I need to become a millionaire, thanks] This happened because we had to cancel our trip to Austin because of sketchy power and water (boooo) and FG decided to stay at our friends' property. I saw my opportunity and declined to go. The most significant part of today, even though I accomplished so much, was that I turned the thermostat OFF.

One of the biggest differences that FG and I have discovered after living together (besides each others pets) is that we prefer very different temperatures in the house. In regards to the heater, I'm the type to wear some fuzzy socks and a long sleeved shirt and avoid turning it on. I'm losing this particular disagreement because it's been insanely cold (and we luckily made it through unscathed), and my main complaint? It's so DRY. The inside of my nose, my eyeballs, my skin... it's all dry. It's so uncomfortable, even with a humidifier in the bedroom and a boiling pot of water on the stove. Something about the heat from the furnace sucks all the moisture out of the air and it's miserable! Today, I won. Tomorrow, I'll go back to losing again.

I started working on my garden. Getting seeds to start is sometimes so easy and rewarding, and sometimes it's... nothing. I've grown sunflowers successfully before, and they didn't sprout easily this year so I tried again and I'm hoping I can get some. The zucchini has sprouted and is going strong. The spinach is wimpy looking, the peppers and beans didn't show up, and I think I have some sage making an appearance. Regardless of what sprouts, this is a new yard with a new sun pattern and I'll have to learn what grows and what doesn't. Aside from the actual plants, my other immediate goal is creating a space that is free of dog poop. Oh my God. How does such a small dog poop so much!? Dog poop turns my stomach. It's so gross. It's alllll over the place and smells so bad and I'm afraid to step in it. Yuck. I have a plan, though. There will be a 7ft x 5ft spot it the yard that will NOT have poop in it, so help me. 

Oh, next week we get houseguests. FG's parents will be visiting for a week, since they've gotten the covid vaccine, and then my dad will be coming into town but I'm not sure where he will be staying. I'm going to have to have the, "please don't accidentally gluten the peanut butter" talk with everyone, and I'll have to wear a bra and pants around the house, but other than that I'm excited about it.

20 February 2021

Stuff I love right now

 Another round of things I think are awesome:

1. Squeeze peanut butter. 

This is the best thing since sliced bread! Just squeeze it on whatever you're snacking on, and move along. I hope they keep this a thing because I'm loving it. PLUS, no gluten crumbs ever make their way into it. (I'm generally a fan of things that squeeze because of this important little factor.)

2. Maybelline Rocket Volum' Express mascara

Since I've started wearing this, I've been asked by three people if I was wearing false eyelashes. That's a big deal. I switched to this mascara because the old mascara that I've used for years started irritating my eyes and I chose it because it has one of those hard spiky brushes- which is a deal breaker for some, but a must for me. I love the formula. It goes on smooth and doesn't clump, and after a long day it doesn't flake or smear. Plus, it washes off with my normal facial cleanser.

3. the Aerogarden.

It was a birthday gift from FG. This thing is so cool. It's kind of a "set it and forget it" kind of garden. All the work is done by this little machine and things grow like crazy. If something doesn't grow, they send a replacement. So far I've grown herbs that I transplanted into dirt and are doing great, and I started a salad greens set that is going strong. When I want salad, I pick some. No more sad wilted greens in the back of the fridge.

4. Maty's heartburn pills.

I bought these as a stocking stuffer for FG, but have found that they work very well for my frequent nausea and indigestion. I take them more often than he does! I love that they WORK and they don't contain any weird stuff. They are a life saver and I feel comfortable taking them on a regular basis.

5. Liquid fabric softener. Really. I've never used it. (Did mom never use it?) I thought it was an old people thing bc FG uses it, and when I discovered that, I rolled my eyes and continued my laundry routine. But then one day, I was moving his wet clothes from the washer to the dryer, and they felt... soft. Even when they were wet. And then I washed the bedsheets without it, and they felt noticeably different. So I started adding a little it to my laundry and wouldn't you know, it's a big deal! It kinda makes the fabric fibers seem more flexible. Cool stuff.

14 February 2021

me time and stuff

I was thinking, I rarely get ME time anymore. I'm talking about those quiet minutes of solitude. I get a few minutes here and there if FG takes a nap or is out back smoking, but that's definitely a big change from all the ME time I used to get. Not that I find I need a ton of ME time, but it's nice to grab now and again. For instance, to blog.

Oh, the kitchen is done. It's beautiful and I'll have to share pictures.

I started some plants for the garden. This year the garden will be in pots since the fence will be replaced and I don't want my hard work stomped on by work men.

I got so close to finishing the push up challenge! But on day 26 I started noticing a sharp pain in my left shoulder that didn't feel like normal soreness, so I stopped to avoid hurting myself. I did make some great progress, though. I got to a point where I could do 15 in a row. Now we've kinda stalled about what to do next.

The hot tub has been ultra-awesome in these cold temperatures. We are all prepped for the freezing weather. In case the pipes freeze, we have jugs of water to flush the toilets. In case the power goes out, we have flashlights and wood to burn in the fireplace, and we can always cook on the grill. We already had the power go out once so this should be fun.

At work, the account I've been working at for months was supposed to go live next week, but mother nature changed that. Just going to go with the flow and not going to stress, and I'm absolutely not driving if the roads are icy.