31 December 2017


The last few days have been everywhere.

Everything surrounding the wedding was both hectic and fun. They're such a happy couple and it made the wedding that much better. Several tears were shed because I'm the kind of person who cries at weddings now.

Of course everybody woke up struggling today. Some from alcohol, some from dancing, some from both. Which is why I have absolutely no plans for New Year's Eve and I'm not even worried about trying to stay up until midnight. I've been blessed to have a lot to celebrate this holiday season, and I'm content to let the new year ring in quietly. Well, as quiet as it can get in the neighborhood that loves fireworks.

I did take down the interior Christmas decorations and there's a Parks and Rec marathon so the day was not all lost. Plus the mountain of laundry is slowly dwindling.

27 December 2017

gift card mania

I located a handful of old gift cards that still have a balance, so I started looking around online so I could use them up. Generally when I have a gift card I try to use the entire thing all at once, but I guess these slipped through.

First up: Corelle. I have $25.98 left on a gift card and then a quick google search for my pattern yielded a little bit of information: True Blue is based on an old pattern called Old Town Blue and there are a TON of vintage pieces, like milk glass coffee cups, creamer + sugar sets, gravy boats, and napkin rings. I didn't realize until now that I already have a few items in the Old Town Blue pattern, because they're so similar. A serving platter and some bowls. Slightly obsessed with getting some additional pieces now, even though I can't use the gift card because it's all through vintage sellers. Maybe I'll use the gift card for some Pyrex pieces.

H&M: $50 that I haven't touched! I forgot how obsessed I was with H&M before I discovered stitch fix. Would definitely require a trip to the store since I need to try things on. I think Houston has several stores now.

Bed Bath & Beyond: $9.12. I JUST ordered a knife set for my brother and his soon-to-be-wife. I could have applied this weird amount to that order and been done with it! No matter, I need a new bath pillow because the one I have has suction cups that damaged the newly re-finished bathtub. Garr.

$5.37 on an Old Navy gift card. Another one that requires a trip to the store because this will barely cover shipping on anything I buy online.

Visa. Do they still even have these because this one is warped and I'm pretty sure Chris got it in college. Yet, there's still $14 left on it. I'll just apply it to whatever I buy next.

There's not much I could use online, but now at least now they're on my mind.

26 December 2017


It's that weird few days between Christmas and New Years. Things are not back to normal because I took off work, and things are not exactly festive because it's between holidays. Too early to start carrying out resolutions with enthusiasm.

Fighting the urge to start packing up Christmas. It seems that every year I get a little more disenchanted even though I try my best to enjoy the pretty decorations and lights, and soak in the holiday. Now that Christmas has passed, it seems silly to keep up all the decorations. However, there's no harm in keeping things up for a few more days. I'm mostly just bored looking for something to do. Plus the house will look better decorated if I end up hosting out-of-town relatives for Frank's wedding.

Speaking of that, I cleaned up the guest room/Chris's room, which has become an extra room where I throw extra crap, like the boxes for all the Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations. I moved all that stuff into the closet so now it's clean with fresh clean sheets and a fluffy comforter... which quickly got a cat-shaped indentation in the middle.

Today I made it to the hardware store to get a new flusher for the toilet (that broke a few days ago). Did you know that they have different flushers for front handles and side handles? Have you ever even paid attention to that? I haven't, and I guessed wrong in the store. Derp.

Stopped by the grocery store and found 4 of the Simple face wipes I spent half a day looking for last week. Of course I bought all of them. Also I shopped hungry so magically Fritos and cheese dip made it into the cart and now I hate myself.

On the way home I checked the mail and the ONLY thing in the mailbox was the latest issue of Cooking Light. It was like the universe was telling me to sit back and relax. So I obliged. I enjoyed a hot bath with a glass of wine and an episode of Dr. Who. No, I haven't mounted a tv in the bathroom... yet. I just popped my phone in a plastic baggie and watched it on the Amazon app. I needed to relax SOOOO bad. I feel a bit more restored.

Suzy got me a RocksBox subscription and I'm SO excited to try it! It's kind of like that designer handbag rental from the Sex and the City movie, but with jewelry. You get to try allll kinds of jewelry, as much as you want, and only buy the pieces that speak to you. So I can rock a different designer piece of jewelry every day without having to pay for it. Um, yes please. I've been stalking the website to see when my box ships.

Oh, crap. I wanted to find some shoes to wear to Frank's wedding and I guess that will give my life purpose tomorrow!

12 Days 2017

The Twelve Days of Christmas for Hubs was a little different this year. 

[A few years ago I saw a neat idea; give your hubs a small gift on the 12 days leading up to Christmas, following the number theme. It was a huge hit, so it has become a tradition.]

I had some cool ideas, but this year the items had to fit into a flat-rate box. So they're more like stocking stuffers than gifts this year, which is fine. I adapt!
Such a bummer that I don't get to see him open these in person, because it's so fun for me to see him in that moment of joy that you can't help but get when opening a gift.

Here's what's in the stocking this year:
Day 1: A USB plug for the wall. Because there are never enough around.
Day 2: Two small bottles of Armor-All car cleaning products.
Day 3: Three homemade biscotti, sealed with the Food Saver so hopefully they make it intact.
Day 4: A 4-pack of olives.
Day 5: Five small packs of mixed nuts.
Day 6: Three pairs of under-eye masks. These are awesome no matter what gender you are.
Day 7: Seven pieces of fancy chocolates
Day 8: An 8-pack of dry erase markers.
Day 9: A 9-oz bag of Fritos, lightly salted
Day 10: A package of Purell wipes.
Day 11: A bag of maple pecan granola clusters, 11 oz
Day 12: Earl Grey tea (hot).

See all 12 Days of Christmas

Jewish Christmas

Well this Christmas Eve was a little different.

We stayed in a hip and trendy hotel downtown, hit up Katz's deli twice, and enjoyed Christmas Eve in a tailor-by-day, bar-by-night establishment.  Enjoyed the company of, most notably, an outspoken Jewish bartender in a Hawaiian shirt and a retired judge dressed up as Santa and his wife, who hand out booze to the homeless every Christmas Eve.

They had one of those cool digital jukeboxes so I fed it a $20 and everyone took a few turns picking out jams. Towards the end of the night, when everyone was pretty well lit, a man walked in who was fairly obnoxious and ended up talking to me about statistics. I just agreed with what he said for about 20 minutes before I got up and escaped. Turns out, he ended up picking up our tab. All four of us. And we'd been drinking for hours... the bill was no doubt over a couple hundred bucks. Classy move, I think? After that, we ended up accidentally stealing his uber and had to circle the block and go back and wait for our real uber. At that point in the evening it was hilarious to most of us, except him...

Overall, it was fun and I'm glad I didn't have to sit at home lonely with my cat on Christmas.

24 December 2017


Most people wake up after a night of partying and say, "Oh, I'm never drinking like that again."

I woke up from a night of partying saying, "Oh, I'm never eating like that again."
The food hangover is worse than the alcohol hangover. It's a thing.

There were so many dips. And so many vessels for those dips. I sampled them ALL in every combination. That buffalo chicken dip. It was so good. But now my belly is so bloated. Worth it.

The 5 favorite things was such a big hit, again. It's so much better than a white elephant or secret santa because everyone gets something fun, and you learn a little bit about people at the same time. Some people bring 5 of the same thing, and some bring 5 different things and it all works out.

I brought Trader Joe's Everything but the Bagel seasoning, and Simple face wipes. I continuously love those face wipes, although now I prefer the travel size because a big pack would sometimes start to dry out before I could use them all.

I would up getting the following favorite things from other people:

Collin's favorite- a six pack of Bud Light- which I will keep for Ashley haha
Stephen's favorite- A glass promoting pizza
Karen's favorite- A beautiful Lennox ornament
Caylan's favorite- A pair of sparkly earrings
I can't remember who brought this one: A flask with a jewish pun. Possibly my favorite thing ever.

I also got a banh mi sandwich from Akhtar that I gave to my dad because (obviously) I couldn't eat it. The earrings were a bonus because somehow Caylan left the party before the exchange, or somehow didn't get to participate.

Worth noting: Calvin picked out gifts for all the aunts and uncles again this year. Last year he picked for me a little nativity scene. This year he picked out a giant bottle of wine and some sour patch kids. It's like he knows me or something.

So much merry was made, and I'm thankful the holidays this year involve fun folks.

22 December 2017

counting blessings

I am pleased about a few things.

The cold front came through and I can turn off the air conditioning again, yay! Opened as many windows and doors as I can to let that fresh cool air inside. I've been enjoying my $50 electric bills. (Oh, BTW Energy Ogre is legit and I highly recommend trying it.)

Got all my shopping done today! Mom graciously offered to ride along with me in my quest to complete everything on my list. We went to every drugstore in a 20-mile radius trying to find the travel size Simple face wipes for my 5 favorite things. We were unsuccessful but she stayed positive and didn't try to talk me into buying the regular-sized ones just to end our quest, which I ended up doing anyway.
And the cashier at Trader Joe's berated me a little too enthusiastically for buying 5 jars of Everything but the Bagel seasoning without actually buying bagels. It was uncomfortable.
And she was morally supportive when the ATM literally started shooting $20 bills all over the floor at Walgreens. I try not to make a scene when I'm withdrawing large amounts of money...
Then she bought me lunch so overall it was a good morning.
Also I decided that if I went to the ATM for my family's Christmas gifts, I'm not going to stress over Chris's family's gifts. This year they can also enjoy a $20 bill with a ribbon around it.

I located charcoal capsules, which help muchly after an evening of lit-ness. Which we will be doing much of in the next few days.

I spent the afternoon lounging, reading magazines with Pumpkin, doing laundry, and overall enjoying my vacation. To be honest I'm a little bored, but I figure enough fun will be had in the next few days to make up for that.

21 December 2017


Hey, yo. I woke up early, and got all my work stuff done today. It was kind of a big day because I'm certified on a new product line now. However... I'm SO READY for vacation!

Except the next few days are jammmm packed.

Tomorrow I plan to spend finishing up alllll the Christmas related stuff. Since I opted to do cash for gifts, all I have left is 5 favorite things and something for the neighbor. The 5 favorite things require a trip to specific stores, since I've oddly had trouble locating one of them.

Saturday's the Christmas party. I have a cute new dress to wear. Only I just realized yesterday that the back is mesh and see-through. Am I okay with that? I don't know if I want to advertise how much my bra band digs into my back.

Sunday Suzy, Mom, Dad, and I booked a hotel downtown and we're going to hit up this cool bar and probably some jewish deli. I'm so excited to see Suzy!

Monday we plan to find somewhere to brunch and see a movie. Too bad there's no musical out right now.

Tuesday I think is the first day I don't have something planned. The next Saturday is Frank's wedding so I'm pretty sure the week will fill up.

Completely not feeling the Christmas Spirit this year. Probably for a lot of reasons, one being so busy and two not being with Chris. Hopefully I can find a little of it in the next few days.

20 December 2017

Vacation Eve

I'm hungry but I've already brushed and flossed and mouthwashed.
I guess I'll stay hungry then- not that impeccable oral hygiene prevents my teeth from needing root canals.

Andrew's birthday was today. I can't believe that kiddo is 2 already!
Lately it seems that I don't give him as much attention as Calvin. I caught it because Calvin is very interactive and easier to communicate with, and Andrew is independent and chill, so I hang out with Calvin more.
But ever since I noticed it, I've been trying to give Andrew more attention. Aunt Nen loves both her nephews. Even the snotty one!
He's such a cute little guy. And resilient. It's interesting to see the differences between the two of them. Andrew is incredibly analytical. He's going to be the kid that takes things apart to see how they work.

Planning to get up early to head out to League City one last time and finish up this install because FRIDAY my vacation starts! Yeah! Not that I have any crazy plans but I'm definitely going to sleep as late as I want. I call that a vacation. Plus it's Christmas and Frank's wedding and New Year's so party party party!

19 December 2017

November Fix

I completely forgot to post about my latest fix. I asked for something for a holiday party (preferably sparkly), and pants.

I got these items:

A pretty blouse that I kept for work, another blouse that was really cute but I returned because it made me feel like a little kid, a sweater that I LOVE LOVE, a dress that is a smidgen too tight but I'd wear to a party, and some pants that are an odd color but I kinda like and I've worn a few times. I was shocked to find nothing sparkly, especially because I requested it.

I postponed my next fix until after the new year because all my funds are being diverted to Christmas. But I still need pants. This recent cold weather has reminded me that I don't have a single pair of well-fitting long pants. So I bought a few pairs that were on sale at Maurices.com and we'll see how they fit. Oy. The pants struggle is so real!

18 December 2017

view from the bed

Every night. Friends + kitty.

Don't know where that other sock went.

Medium-key annoyed that it's 70 degrees again after SNOW and chilly weather the last week or so. On the plus side, I guess it's a good thing because I don't have any cold-weather pants that fit and last week was a wardrobe struggle.

I found myself adapting to the new keyboard today when I was on my work computer. I hit the "delete" key instead of the "backspace" key because they're damn reversed on this new laptop.

Fending off Alzheimer's, one keyboard at at time.

17 December 2017

Sunday blues

Thrilled that I stumbled upon the Sound of Music on tv tonight. Julie Andrews can do no wrong. Even with that dorky haircut.

This weekend went by incredibly fast. Like, there was no time to get anything done.

I woke up today and went straight into the office to import the chemistry data from everything I ran this week. I would up troubleshooting the new software and deleting/re-importing data about 5 times before I figured it out. In the end, it was dark outside by the time I got a good idea of how to use the software and what I need to do this week to finish up. In the process, I ended up missing a colleague's Christmas party that I really wanted to go to.
There are only so many hours in the day. On the plus side, I didn't wear a bra alllll day. Solid Sunday.

Speaking of the Sound of Music, the company I work for is based in Germany and I routinely get emails addressed to "Frau [my last name]" and I think it's so cute.

Tuesday I have free passes to see the new Pitch Perfect movie and Wednesday is Andrew's 2nd birthday.

Okay. Only 4 more days until my vacation begins. Time to buckle down. Woo!

16 December 2017


Setting the scene: Crappy Hallmark movie on TV. Fireplace lit. Christmas lights twinkling. Settled on the couch with a scotch glass full of wine. Kitty creeping back and forth across my lap because she can't decide where to curl. (Would probably prefer to curl up on this computer.)

Got the vast majority of my Christmas shopping done at the ATM today. I'm calling it; I'm too darn busy right now to go shopping and fight the crowds, and time got away from me and it's too late to order things online. So I simplified and am going to give cash. Not memorable or meaningful but always appreciated.

So the couple of things still on the list are gifts for the kiddos, stocking stuffers, 5 favorite things, and I'm going to pick up a couple of poinsettias for the neighbors. Still have yet to introduce myself to the new neighbors, and still trying to figure out what to get for the sweet neighbor who always watches Pumpkin. Suggestions?

I think I decided to keep this little computer. I don't love it but I could probably get used to it. Right now it's full of games because Calvin used it for a minute today. OH. Today he gave me an unsolicited "I love you." Auntie win! Andrew was not thrilled with me today because I held him down while mom gave him some medicine. Poor kiddo is in that stage of life where you're constantly sick. Also after a few hours with him I think my clothes have a thin layer of snot and pee and milk. Hm.

12 December 2017


I'm going to rant for a moment.

So today. I'm validating an instrument at a new hospital. It's still being built and no one is really in the building except 3 people from 3 different companies installing equipment in the lab.

We've all been doing our own thing, validating our instruments and chatting every once in a while. I had a lot of trouble locating my reagents, so I spent most of yesterday and today trying to locate them, in the meantime validating what I could on the reagents that I did have. Plus I'm trying to figure out how to use this new software, and it's been a while since I've used this particular instrument, so everything was kind of a carefully controlled mess.
In fact everyone had some sort of setback, which is typical, and since it's such a small lab we all knew about everyone else's issues. Still, it comes with the job and it's not a big deal.

This afternoon I was able to locate many of the reagents I was missing, yay! So when I got back in the lab I was ready to focus and get a lot done.

TELL ME WHY one of the other ladies there validating her instrument, who had barely said a word ALL DAY, decided to start chatting. And would. literally. not. stop. talking.

She was not catching any of the typical, "Heyyy I'm trying to work here and don't want to chat" cues. None. Even when I busted out with a, "I can barely hear you because this instrument is kinda loud." She didn't even slow down. And she KNEW I had finally gotten reagents so I thought something would click in her head and she would understand that I was trying to work. Nope.

At one point I tried to ignore her, but she was asking me questions, like obviously trying to get to know me, and I felt bad blowing her off. And the med tech world is small and she could be my boss one day so I didn't want to be rude.
Instead of focusing and getting a lot done like I wanted, I half-way chatted and half-way worked, which in the end sucked and I also made a couple mistakes that I would have caught if I was giving things my full attention.

At the end of the day I was so annoyed and then had to spend 90 minutes in traffic so I'm just done. There's no food in the house but I have wine so.

I think tomorrow I'll bring headphones or pretend I'm on a conference call for a while if I have to focus, and maybe she'll chat with the other people.

But she seems really sweet at the same time and networking is PRICELESS, especially with the competition, so I also think I might try saying something like, I really have to focus right now but I'd love to have lunch later and we can chat. Still, as nice as you try to say that, it always comes across kind of mean. When I finally master that I'll consider it a valuable life skill.

11 December 2017

Loving lately

Couple of things I'm loving lately:
(AKA I'm typing as much as I can to see if I'll get used to this new keyboard)

Christmas light timers. I tried two different kinds: The kind that turn on at dusk and stay on for a pre-determined amount of time, and the kind that you set exactly what time they're on. The ones at dusk are not as good, because they will turn on if a storm rolls in at noon and be on all day only to shut off at night, but overall they're both good. I like them for two reasons:
1. When I was traveling no one had to worry about turning them on and off. Plus when lights are on it looks like someone's home. Plus it took a lot of work to put up those lights and darn it, people are going to look at them even when I'm not home.
2. At night before bed when I'm in my jammies, I don't have to put on pants to go turn off the Christmas lights. Or, more accurately, I don't have to hope that no one sees me when I step out my front door real quick sans pants to unplug the lights.

So Christmas light timers are awesome. For both myself and the neighbors who probably talk about that lady on the corner with no pants.

Trader Joe's Everything but the Bagel seasoning. I think this may be in my 5 favorite things this year. It's delightful. I like it on eggs.

Oh, speaking of being THAT neighbor, new neighbors moved in and I think they're sort of my age and I'm excited to make friends with them. I'll be showing up at their door with a bottle of wine sometime soon.

extended test drive

Ok. Time to test the photo aspect of this new questionable electronic item.
I snapped a quick couple of photos.

Hey, kitty.

Man, this Delete/Backspace button issue is really annoying! I think the keyboard is just too small.

Plus I'm not sure that I need an actual windows os. I might be happier with an android tablet that works just like my phone. A tablet with a keyboard? The problem is, a keyboard seems fine in the store until you get home and actually start typing on it. UGH WHY IS MY LIFE SO HARD?

10 December 2017

test drive

Spent the last few weeks in Lake Charles for work.
1. The drive is not that bad.
2. Casinos are fun but I'm still no good at gambling.
3. I love traveling for work (Hello Hilton Honors Gold member) but it's tiring and I feel guilty leaving kitty alone for so long.

I did not skip my birthday this year. Thirty three... I spent it in Lake Charles working but my colleagues made it special. Plus I came home to presents all over the house which I wanted to blog about but it's so much work... Snapchat got all the glory this time.

Christmas is up! Mostly. This year not all the lights went up, but a respectable amount did.
I tried a poinsettia garland on the tree this year and I really like it. A handyman came over to hang a couple of new ceiling fans and he commented on how nice it looked. Oh yeah... the fan in the living room burned up on Thanksgiving so that household upgrade got bumped to the top of the list real quick. The new ones are gorgeous and functional. I love those two things together.

I bought a new laptop/tablet thing. While looking for a new one I had two things in mind:
1. It had to have a keyboard. I really only need it to blog because I do almost everything else on my work computer or my phone.
2. It had to be inexpensive. I don't want to buy an expensive laptop just for blogging and miscellaneous internet browsing.

I looked at a few things and I figured a tablet with a removable keyboard would be the best of both worlds. The cheapest one I found was 200 bucks and this is my first time using it.

Obviously, I don't love it right off the bat because it's different than what I'm used to.
The keyboard is a little small so my hands feel slightly cramped when I'm typing.
Plus the delete key is where I'm used to having the backspace key, and the numbers at the top are shifted a little to the right than where I'm used to. So writing this post has taken a lot of fixing keyboard-related typos. Moderately disappointed, especially because I bought it specifically for the keyboard ease.

I might adapt to it easier than I expect, especially because the price was right... and basically the price goes up from here. When I bought it I made sure to ask about the return policy and I have some time. So I'll use it for a week and then decide if I'm going to return it or not.

I hope I can blog a lot in the next few days to test it out. I'm starting an install at work on Monday so things might be busy. I just got trained on this new instrumentation, and this is the first install where I'm in charge. My mentor will be there to guide me and answer questions, but this is my show. I'm a little nervous-- only because we have to use a new software for the first time and neither of us has much experience with it. Hoping it goes smoothly.