13 April 2021

adultful things and peppers

FG and I recently sat down and wrote our wills. Very informal, literally a Word document that spells out our wishes. I figure at the very least, it's some guidance to our families in the event that we suddenly die.
I think that's so important. Especially because we've experienced the sudden death thing and if something happens, neither of us has any legal claim to the other person's assets. We will eventually get the documents legal but for now this will have to do.
(Good thing we have good relationships with each others' families- neither of us wants to have to haunt people for not carrying out our wishes.)
Because of that conversation, I tracked down some old retirement accounts, which required rifling through some old files in the storage unit, and am going to get those rolled over and organized. Such adult-ful stuff. 

Got that dental work done, with no drugs. It was awful but I got through it. I really need to get a prescription for some light anti-anxiety meds for situations like that. I have some drugs to take, courtesy of Mah, but without a prescription if I get drug tested for some reason, I'm screwed. In the meantime I suffered through it and now my mouth is really sore. Oh, teeth. Why can't you be good?

Oh yeah, the peppers. I heard that the produce you get at grocery stores is genetically altered so that if you try to plant the seeds, they will not grow. To test this, I took some pepper seeds to see what would happen. They sprouted and I have some little plants, but we will see if I get peppers to grow. 

07 April 2021

this, that, and the other

I'm really tired tonight and would happily go to bed right now, but I'm waiting for an hour that seems more appropriate to go to sleep.

Let's see, what's going on?

Work- my morale is better, since things have mellowed out for a few weeks and the forecast looks more normal.

Anxieties- I need a root canal in the back, another old filling got loose and decayed underneath. Going to self-medicate this time.

Pleasantries- Dad came to visit. It was so nice to see him. He helped with a project in the backyard, and overall he's just so cool to hang out with. I was sad to see him leave but at the same time happy I don't have to put on pants to get coffee in the morning. Would love to book a trip this year to go to San Diego and see him.

Speaking of trips, we booked a trip to Denver for FG's birthday. The flights were super cheap, and we plan to head into the mountains and avoid the city.

I keep meaning to document some of the garden. The spinach bolted, I did some research and it likes shorter days and colder weather so there's a lesson there. The zucchini has blooms and hopefully I'll get veggies- I've tried it before and I had apparently healthy plants, but never got any veggies. Maybe this is the year for that.