11 March 2022


I have spent the majority of this week alone. 
Am I lonely yet? Nope. 
Do I want to socialize yet? Nope. 
I'm perfectly happy with all this me time. I did go visit customers a few days, so it's not like I didn't have any human interaction.

This week I've also been eating whatever I want and drinking a lot of wine. I like this new softness in my body but I've gotten to the point where I'm feeling gross and sluggish and ready to shift in a healthier direction. More veggies, less desserts. I know FG feels the same way so maybe this time he'll be on board. I'm hoping that the time change will motivate us to go on evening walks or MAYBE even go to the gym. I'll believe it when I see it, but summer is coming and sweaty fat rolls are motivating.

I've been watching a lot more tv this week. There's a show on Netflix about vacation rentals that has my wanterlust FLARING. I'm pinning all of the places they go because they all look so amazing. I may be anti social but I'm ready to start traveling again.  

"Our" lake house still hasn't closed yet... and it should have. I'm not hoping that the sale falls through because that's bad karma, but if it does, we're ready to snatch it up. I still feel like that's our house. 

08 March 2022

it's only tuesday

First order of business. FG is on Day 3 of a cruise and at first I wasn't sure what to do with myself. I used to live alone and I loved it! What did I do?? (Psst. I drank a lot more than I do now)

So far I have spring cleaned the house, including windows, ceiling fans, floors, and baseboards. I've done all the laundry, including rugs, throw blankets, dog beds, and pillows.

I've also started painting my desk and have moved my office into FG's office in the meantime. I feel like Ron Burgundy working from that huge desk with 3 monitors, 2 keyboards, and several mice.

My taxes are done, I baked a bunch, exhausted social media, watched some tv, and should probably schedule some work stuff for the rest of the week.

I do miss FG and his company and I will be happy when he is home...
But, I do enjoy being able to fart at will, cooking only when I feel like it, having control over the remote. and snuggling with Pumpkin at night. She is so much more calm during the day when she's not locked up at night.

I already knew that I would hate a cruise, but that has been confirmed. FG said that you can feel the boat moving, and the dining options are plentiful and gluten-ful. Not exactly my cup of tea on either account. 

Happy to be on dry land with my own kitchen, embracing the solitude. After feeling so burnt out socially, maybe a week of me time will set me straight.

Oh! This morning I was asked out on a date. A guy who used to be a customer, then worked for us, but went back to being a customer, texted me asking me out to dinner. Obviously not going to happen, but it's always nice when the ego gets boosted like that. *still got it*

06 March 2022

Chair makeover

I finally got around to updating this chair. (Fun fact, I still have and use all of the items I bought that day. Except the oil can.)

The fabric had worn and it was looking a little gross and shabby, so I started slowly taking it apart. I took a ton of pictures of small details as I took it apart, so that I would have that as a reference for when I put it back together. It was basically staples and glue, but there were several times where I went back and checked the pictures to make sure I had things positioned properly.

I couldn't re-use anything because the foam had dry-rotted and basically disintegrated as I pulled it off. Messy and gross. I oiled the springs so now it doesn't squeak when I sit down, and I painted it a glossy black.

I upgraded to a much thicker foam for the seat, and found some fun fabric. For the trim I was going to use matching double cording, but then I saw the fun braided kind and I like the way it looks a lot. Here it is now:

I love it. Of course now that the chair has been updated, my desk looks shabby...

04 March 2022


I am so annoyed that the A/C is on. Ugh, so it begins.

We just finished season 2 of Love is Blind and I normally hate tv shows like that, but it's SO GOOD. Plot twists everywhere!

I have been so socially drained lately. I have a few theories, but I'm not entirely sure why I'm feeling so burnt out. Choosing to listen to myself and not schedule anything over the next few weeks.

Watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Such a good one. Why can't I be invited to a party where I get to "frost myself?"

Just got wind of a humongous project with work that will make this summer super busy and most likely miserable. Officially not worried about work being slow anymore.