13 May 2021

happy thursday

Currently eating an enchilada Amy's meal (with added veggies, of course), drinking some wine, sitting in a newly remodeled hotel room and feelin' fine.

Got sent out of town today to a little hospital for a super easy task. It was a beautiful day for a drive. I am looking forward to visiting the small-town walmart on my way home tomorrow, happy to be traveling for work again, and loving small returns to normalcy, like getting a pedicure sans mask. Seriously, hardly anyone in this town wears a mask and I'm here for it.

I went to the local grocery store and found gf donuts for half off, so breakfast (and probably dessert tonight) will be extra yummy.

Operation, "take over FG's house" has stalled. I got tired of working on the house non-stop and took a break, planted a bunch of flowers in the front, and now I'm feeling motivated again. There are little things here and there that need attention, but the main areas where I need to focus are the porch and the yoga room. 

The yoga room just needs art and organization. The porch is a hard one. I'm not sure what purpose it will serve, what furniture it needs, and what color scheme/theme to go with.
I kinda want to have fun with it without being tacky, and I'm stuck. I kinda want it to have a sunroom vibe but it doesn't actually get much light. I kinda want it to be a bar but the liquor is at home better in the game room. I have so much decision paralysis! It has been sitting empty except for the purple velvet chair and I need to figure something out.

In the meantime maybe pinterest will help me out.

06 May 2021

hummus, travel, eyeliner, teeth

Did you know that a tub of hummus has 10 servings, and a bag of tortilla chips has 10 servings? That is a fun coincidence. Also, over the course of 2 days I've eaten 10 servings of both hummus and tortilla chips. Sounds gross, but it didn't actually SEEM like that much food.

We went on vacation for FG's birthday, then I was home for less than 12 hours before I flew out again to help out with a big project in Mississippi for 2 weeks. The days here are long and tiring. I'm ready for a more mellow schedule, maybe with an office day that includes a purring lap kitty.

One of my colleagues wore blue eyeliner yesterday. Like, a cobalt blue eyeliner. It looked so pretty that I went out after work to buy some. I couldn't find the right blue, so I settled on a metallic navy. Of course hers looked better and her skin tone is much different, but I think I like the way it looks. Also, I need to learn how to apply eyeliner and, you know, draw in a straight line. 

I have to pack and get up at 3am to catch my super early flight, but after I land I'm going to the dentist- I've been chewing on one side because of this temporary crown for 3 weeks and I'm so ready to get back to normal.