11 June 2007


So today I went to see my gyno for my yearly tests and everything.
Normally it's no big deal. (although I never get used to that feeling...)

But anyways I met a new doctor today and she brought in an intern, that usually happens. After the "nice to meet yous" I looked at the interns face.

...And it was familiar.

My doctor proceeded to ask all the necessary questions, and I snuck a peek at the intern's name tag. Yep. I went to high school with her. We made eye contact and I could tell she recognized me too. So I'm in this vulnerable position in my flimsy gown and she's standing there in her lab coat and stethoscope. Lovely.

I figured I wouldn't say anything and just go along, I mean, it's just a vagina and she does have to learn.

Without going into detail, it was about how you'd expect it would be. As I walked out of the office, I cracked up laughing, thinking, "Hi, I went to high school with you and you've just seen the entire extent of my vagina!"

I bet I'll run into her at the grocery store...

1 comment:

  1. ha! could have been worse- could have been an ex... or the girl ur ex is with now... or your brother. ew.
