What with all of the studying and all, I've been making mental notes of things I want to do this summer, or even the end of the week, while I have the time. But the thing about mental notes is, they get lost. I've already forgotten some of the things I wanted to do. I always make lists. I'm a list-maker.
I want to re-re-caulk the shower. After the wormy episode, madre told me to use caulk A, but when padre saw what I had used, he said I used the wrong kind. Well, he was right. It gets mildew-y way quick even after I clean it and it's starting to come off and I DO NOT want an invitation for more worms. That may be the first thing on the list.
I want to cook more! There are so many things I want to try and/or perfect, but it's so darn time consuming.
I need a hair cut.
I am also running low on conditioner, mouthwash, qtips, tampons, kitchen cleaner, coffee filters, etc. But I know if I go to Walmart it will take WAY more time and WAY more money than I have right now, so it has to wait.
Speaking of, I am getting quite broke. I should probably get another part-time job. The thing about that is, I have to work to get more money, and I don't feel like working my butt off all summer just to keep working my butt off next semester. This chica needs some rest. Although my bosses have some cool stuff they want me to do/ learn, so we'll see how that all goes.
That reminds me I need to compile a database of MSDS sheets for my dad's business.
My tires need rotating. And Jake needs a bath.
I guess that's all for now. Back to memorizing the steps and mechanisms of glycolysis! (and gluconeogenesis and the citric acid cycle, just in case you were wondering)
One more thing: Have you ever been sitting still but felt like you were moving? Like rocking back and forth slightly? It's kind of wierd and it happens sometimes.
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