Sometimes when I'm bored I surf craigslist and look under the "volunteer" tab for surveys to take for research studies. I took one about eating habits while eating a bag of doritos and a klondike bar, and washing it down with wine. Sounds nasty, I know. But it was gooood. The thing is, I always follow my cravings, no matter what it's for (with the exception of the obvious wheat-laden items). I figure if my body is craving it, I better listen.
Oyyy I have to work tomorrow. I let my aunt and cousin take my room, and I haven't gotten very great sleep at all these past few days on the couch. Turns out it's not very comfortable for extended periods of sleep. That, and the first person up in the morning would wake me up. The combination did not make for very restful sleep. So I've been tired and grouchy and not very ambitious. I get to sleep in a fresh clean bed tonight so hopefully I will awake tomorrow refreshed.
Here's a photo I snapped on the ferry from Galveston to Bolivar last weekend (I think).
Lovely photo! I lived in Houston over 20 years and just moved from to Vegas 3 years ago. I remember taking my kids down to the ferry just for the free ride back and forth. We parked our car and walked on. It was so fun seeing all the seagulls swooping down overhead and fish jumping up out of the water. I just started doing some photo challenges and it is quite fun. I started taking my camera with me on my evening walks and I have found I am more in tune with the beauty around me. Would love to see more pics.