Oh yeah, just call me a trendsetter. After I got a neti pot, Missy decided to get one, and Chris also just got one. I'm going to try and get Luke to try it because he is the poster boy for allergy-prone. Me? I still love mine.
It's a little odd. When I use it regularly, like every morning, I have noticed a serious decrease in stomach upset. One thing my allergist told me when I went in was that the upset stomach could be caused not by a food allergy, but by an airborn allergen that creates postnasal drip, which causes the upset stomach.
By flushing out the postnasal crap and allergens and all that, I've reduced the potential offender and have been noticing a difference. And the best part? I don't have to take another (expensive!) pill or icky nasal spray every morning.
This is, of course, just a theory. And, as a scientist, I know that correlation does not denote causation, but either way I'm still reaping the benefits.
Lol. That last sentence totally cracks me up. Isn't being a scientist fun? :D