My body is not happy with me. At all.
Of this I am sure.
I even left work early and skipped class for an early-afternoon tryst with my heating pad and pepto bismol pills. Did you know you can take a dose every half-hour, and you can take up to 16 pills a day? This is good news for me.
I am trying to figure out the exact reason. Gluten? Bad food? I don't know. It could possibly be from my steady diet of half-price Valentine's chocolate and popcorn over the past few days. And I wish I was exaggerating. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's the reason why I feel horrible.
Soo I am miserable and now I have every single motivation to stop being lazy and start cooking again. I haven't been doing it lately because it seems so unfulfilling to cook just for me. And I have an odd eating schedule so I can't really cook for my family.
I guess I have to get used to it. Maybe start buying those "Cooking for Two" magazines for inspiration.
or you could simply cook for two and invite me over...ok so it dosnt have to be me but ask someone over...