22 April 2009


Hmm I may really start thinking seriously about this no dairy thing.

I know I always feel a little puffy after my morning cereal, but it's such a small amount I don't worry about it. Even if I eat milk or ice cream all I get is a little puffy, but I've noticed lately that it's getting more noticeable, and more painful.

The other night I shared a banana split w/ my man Jerome, and good thing too because it was HUGE. We didn't even finish it. Almost immediately after eating it, I noticed stomach pains.
Yesterday I grabbed a single scoop of vanilla at the ice cream place on campus, and in class it hurt so bad that I had to discretely hold my stomach and I even considered leaving.
Then tonight my family all gorged themselves on banana splits because Suzy had a craving. I just finished my dairy masterpiece, only to be plagued with stomach cramps again.

Correlation? Yes... but then again all my tests came back negative for dairy. Garr I don't know. Just another episode of "Jen's stomach hurts."



  1. lactaid - a small pill you take with your first bite/drink of a dairy product to help you digest. richard uses it and it helps him. try it out!

  2. Oh yeahhh! I'd heard of that but forgotten about it- I'll have to try it!
