In the last few weeks my gym membership expired, and I have done my best to get up early enough to run before it gets to be unbearably hot. I've succeeded exactly twice. My alarm goes off at 645, but I don't get up until 8-something at best, pushing the snooze button every nine minutes. Then, you know how it goes. I -say- I'm going to work out some time during the rest of the day, but it never gets done.
I've also been eating whatever I want. I thought about this: during the summer I eat constantly throughout the day, because food is there when I'm bored. During the school year I'm always going somewhere, or in the middle of class, and I don't eat every 10 minutes. Even then, I pack healthy snacks instead of scarfing on the junk lying around the house.
Pairing lack of exercise with stuffing my face is not exactly what I was hoping for when I said I should start eating healthier and working out at the beginning of the summer. I feel crappy.
Is it any wonder that last night I woke up so bloated and puffy that my skin actually felt stretched? I guess sub-par dairy-free ice cream and chips & salsa before bed will do that. I laid there at 2am, tired but unable to sleep because of the random gurglings. I took some meds, popped in Return to Oz, and fell asleep after an hour. I still feel gross and puffy this morning.
So, today I'm going to go on one of those fruit and veggie "fasts." I think it will work okay, because I feel so funky that I don't even want to eat. Maybe that will kick-start my healthier eating habits. I will think, "do I really want to eat that and feel puffy and uncomfortable all day?"
So. Off to the store. I hope they have good produce!
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