29 November 2009

flashing lights

It's a glorious-looking day outside. A little too warm for my tastes though. I knew if I took out my winter clothes it would get hot again.

Cramming for the chronic leukemias & myelodysplastic disorders exam tomorrow. 12 days to the end of the semester. I can't. freaking. wait.

Last night was interesting. First of all, the Coogs completely STOMPED Rice, 73-14. 59-0 at halftime. Whose house? Ruck Fice, baby.

Anyway, Chris and I were leaving his apartment to go get some dinner when two sheriff's cars turned the corner in the parking lot with their lights flashing, hauling ass. They slowed down and asked Chris if he called them, and when he said no they tore off again. When we left the cops were at the front of the complex, and we didn't see anything except some broken glass on the ground.

As we were driving down the road, we saw three more cars heading in that direction. When we got back about 20 minutes later, the street was partially blocked and there were a total of 5 or 6 cop cars right at the entrance of the apartment complex. I don't know what was going on, but I was really curious. I didn't see any news vans so I doubt there's anything in the paper. Maybe the office will distribute some kind of FYI to all the residents on Monday.

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