Woke up last night at 2am with a hurty tummy. Took meds, curled up with a heating pad, and got back to sleep within an hour. Ate a small amount of oatmeal this morning with a sip of coffee, and headed to school. I started to feel better so I ate a banana and a bag of those baked cheetos. Bad idea- just as lab started my stomach started to feel hurty. I took a pepto that did nothing, and I felt light-headed and dizzy, and I broke out in one of those cold sweats again.
I was all in my PPE, and when I took off one of my gloves it was covered with sweat. I started to feel sick like I might gag or throw up, so I took off my lab coat and other glove and walked outside, even while the teacher was explaining everything for the practical. I got to the bathroom and, [this will tell how how bad I felt] I sat on the filthy floor by the door and brought my knees up to my chest, and just sat there. I felt so terrible that I couldn't even move.
For probably 5 minutes I was debating going in there and telling the teacher I felt too bad to do the practical, but I really didn't want to have to make it up, especially during finals week. So I forced myself off the floor and went back in the lab. It took so much effort to get up to do anything. As long as I was sitting and perfectly still, I felt ok. Once I stood up or tried to move, my stomach felt horrible. Several times I had to leave the lab and go sit on that nasty bathroom floor for a few minutes and stabalize.
I got through the practical, although I don't think I did very well. I don't know what the culprit is (gluten? stress? bad food?) but I'm feeling a little better now. I'm pretty scared to eat anything but some white rice, slowly. I hope I feel better soon because this shit had better not happen all week.
boo! BRAT diet it up. Banana, Rice, Apple, Toast (GF of course)
ReplyDeleteaw, hope you feel better!!