12 May 2010

F-to the-NO

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This would scare the shit out of me. For those of you who don't know, I am terrified of someone sneaking up on me while I'm in the shower. Think about it- you're completely vulnerable in the shower.

When Chris and I first started dating, he was not aware of this. There was one instance where he came into the bathroom while I was showering just to be a goof. Of course I heard something outside the shower curtain and got freaked out. I was so pissed, I told him that if he ever did it again I'd break up with him. I don't know if he took me completely seriously, but he hasn't tried it again. When I lived with room mates, I told them I didn't mind them coming in, but just to let me know they were coming in by knocking on the door or something. I'm okay with that, it's the sneaking up on me part that's the worst.

So yeah, a shadow coming up against the shower curtain is a big N-O.

In other news, I'm completely worn out. I'm a little pissed about rotations- we're not actually in the lab, we're in a separate student lab going over stuff we've already learned how to do in student lab, slowly. I can do a type and screen and an antibody identification in an hour, and we spent all morning doing one. I hope this is not a huge waste of time and we actually learn new things. And, the lady teaching us is super uptight and micromanaging and you have to be on your game 100% of the time over stupid nitpicky things that don't even really matter. It's exhausting.

1 comment:

  1. yeah... i usually look behind the shower curtain before going to the bathroom. that would freak me out, too
