The other day I came home, parked in my usual spot at the barricade, changed out of my scrubs, and taped up some packages to send to Chris. It took about 10 minutes.
When I went outside to head to the post office, there was a beat-up rusty old truck parked behind me. Blocking me in so that I couldn't leave. I looked in the park but couldn't see anyone. So I called a tow truck company, who told me to call the police.
I know from experience that there was nothing the police could do, since the truck was not blocking the driveway, only my car. Stupid, yes. But not illegal. Still, I called the police anyway.
About 20 minutes go by, and we're waiting. In the heat. I'm getting crabby. Dad is contemplating slashing the guy's tires. It was unlocked with the windows down; when a vehicle is that shitty you just don't bother locking up, I guess. At a few points we actually got inside the truck and looked for keys or tried to push it into neutral and move it. No luck.
The cop pulls up, with a look on his face that tells me exactly what I was thinking; he legally couldn't do anything about it. As we're standing there, someone starts walking in our direction from the other side of the park. I knew it was him. The cop had looked up the guy's registration information, so he as he got closer, he called out, "Mr. So and so?" The guy nodded.
When he got within talking range, I said, "Really?? Really?? You parked there??" And basically started yelling at him for being such a dumbass. We were waiting there for about a half hour, and only when the cop showed up did he bother to walk over. I was severely annoyed. What if there was an emergency? What if I had to go to work? In general, you don't park behind someone and prevent them from moving their car; common courtesy.
So anyway the guy looked like he was 17 or 18, honestly a little stoned, just shrugged and got in his car as I yelled at him, probably just wanted to get away from the cop before he got a good look at him.
But by then I was happy that I could go to the post office, and of course later I felt bad for yelling at him.
But seriously, how does this random shit happen?
I would not feel bad at all. I wish I was there to HELP you yell at the effer. Seriously. I was at Breakfast Klub the other day and some jerk parked right behind our car. I was fuming...luckily our cousin wasn't late to the airport...we were dropping him off after breakfast.