16 October 2011


Good morning, cat. Who needs an alarm clock when you've got a cat who knows that you normally get up at 4am?

Delicious smells wafting from the kitchen. Coffee + biscuits with honey.

Definite chill in the air this morning. ♥

I slept hard. Dreamed about Smile Train and other things. I get pretty sleep-deprived during the week, so all I want to do on the weekends is sleep. This work schedule is not very well-matched with my body clock. But, what can you do?

Suzyyy... me and Ashley have a present for you when you come home next weekend. We were going to save it for your birthday but we didn't want to wait.

Also, I need to come up with a task- one that when I finish, I will get a reward. You know, like when I got my credit card paid off I could sign up for Netflix. I already have the reward in mind, but I don't have the task. Here's the reward:

Amazing, right? But it's $118. For a shower curtain*-- even one as fabulous as this? Ouch. So I need to make it a reward for doing something... but what?

Hmmm...  maybe when I pay off the next student loan?

*Ash, you can rest easy. I won't be throwing away the periodic table of elements.

1 comment:

  1. YEEEEEEEEEEE!! Ah! More of a reason I can't FREAKING wait to come home!! :)
