So! I did it!
This morning at 6am I opened the door to a smiling and perky Ashley, in a cute top with a road cup. Off we went, with me giving annoying driving directions the whole way. :o)
Once at the dentists, we didn't have to wait long before they charged my credit card and called me back. They set me up in a chair and hooked me up to a bunch of things. I got a thing for my heart rate clipped to my finger, some of those sticky electrodes on my chest and ribs, a tube for oxygen stick in my nose, and then they started the IV, which was just dripping fluids at first. I was so nervous, and I could tell by listening to my heart rate beeping on the monitor. After a few minutes, the oral surgeon comes in and says, "Okay we're going to give you something to relax."
The next thing I know, I'm waking up and it's over. Holy crap, it really is just that simple!
I vaguely remember them doing some scraping on a tooth in a dream-like state, which lasted for a few seconds. I think I must have woken up for a minute during the procedure... or something. Because everyone was asking if I remembered anything. I just said no.
After I was awake for a minute, they called Ashley in. They were giving me instructions and I was glad she was there because I don't remember any of them. I'm sure I looked ridiculous. I know I had some gauze sticking out of my mouth like a walrus because I could see it in the elevator mirror when they wheeled me down stairs in the wheelchair.
I remember talking a little on the ride home, but I know it wasn't goofy; mostly tired. I remember being thirsty. When we got home, Mom and Ash helped me into bed, and I passed out for about an hour until I woke up in some serious pain. Mom had gone to pick up my prescriptions, so I took some of the Tylenol 3 I got back in January for the infection. I was too scared to take it then, but I gladly tossed it down the hatch this morning.
The rest of the morning is a blur. I'd sleep for a while, then wake up either in pain or from drooling blood all over myself. I was glad I was thinking and laid down a brown towel on my bed in case I did bleed. Can you imagine the carnage, all over my fresh white sheets??
I don't remember what they said, but Suzy and Luke were sweet and I think Suzy got me a bag of peas. It's strange how I was walking around and talking but I really don't remember doing it.
The wounds are still bleeding, so I've been keeping gauze back there and dozing while alternating each cheek on a bag of frozen peas. It sucks because the blood just fills your mouth and you can't really spit it out. They said I couldn't rinse or brush my teeth, or spit because the wounds have to kinda set. So I kinda just have to let it drool out over the sink and wipe it as best I can. Gross, huh? I'll be glad when it stops bleeding.
So far I've eaten a little yogurt and one of those protein drinks- I'm not hungry, but I didn't want to take drugs on an empty stomach.
I'm still a little drowsy, but much more alert than I was this morning. I hope I can sleep well tonight.
On the road to recovery!
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