27 August 2012

customer service sucks

Petco is getting on my damn nerves.

I ordered four cases of cat food from them three weeks ago.

I received 3 cases in a timely manner, but one case was packaged separately for some reason. Don't know why. I paid for it all on the same order. The tracking number told me it was at Fed ex. A week later it was still "at Fed ex," so I called Petco's customer service. Which of course is in some random foreign country. They told me to wait another week and see if it made it. If not, they'd send another one. Well I could have told you that I wasn't going to get it. And I didn't realize they wouldn't automatically send it when after a week it was still "at Fed ex."

It's been on and off my mind until today, so I called and they tried to tell me to wait and see if it ships again. And I was like, No. Send me my damn cat food. I have a case number from the last time I called and the lady said I'd have my cat food. And the guy put me on hold to "investigate" twice, which was some really bad music, and when he came back he was like, "Well I'm going to call Fed ex and see what's going on."

And you know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking I don't give a damn about Fed ex. I think it would be much better just to send me another case of cat food and figure out the Fed ex mistake on their own.
Or at least offer to throw in a discount or coupon for my troubles. You know, since I paid for the stuff three weeks ago and, you know, I have a hungry cat over here who gets pretty damn annoying when she doesn't get her wet food.
And the whole point of ordering it online is that it's cheaper than in the store, and I don't have to put on pants. Jerks.

The part that really irks me is I really want a coupon! What happened to the good old days of customer service where if you inconvenience the customer, you compensate them? If I owned a business and a customer had to call twice and didn't receive the product until over three weeks later, you better believe I'd throw in some freebies.

I mean, that's just good business.

1 comment:

  1. now a days you have to turn into a bitch a demand freebies for them to even consider it...it sucks...but if you feel you deserve it, call back and start yelling!

    long gone are the days where people did the right thing without having to be yelled or begged.
