14 January 2013


I'm back to having a ton of shit on my mind.

-Still discouraged about certain things.

-My thoughts on being frugal: As long as I can afford wine, then it's all okay.

-I dislike using the keurig reusable filter thingies. I have to wash the filter out between every cup of coffee. Merh. It defeats the keurig magical experience. Time to start hoping I see some keurig coffee on clearance.

-Gotta start really house-hunting. My great-aunt might be coming to spend a few weeks with us. I'm absolutely cool with letting her have my room. The thought of having to spend a few weeks living upstairs, though, is dreadful. I'm getting the heebie jeebies just thinking of the shower. Maybe if I've already moved/ I'm in the process of moving it won't be an issue? Maybe? I'm going to call the realtor tomorrow. If I remember.

-Baby shower stuff's gotta get purchased, made, and organized. I'm so glad Collin's mom is taking care of some of this. But I have the fun parts, yay!

-I took a pregnancy test at work today. I got paranoid! I didn't get my period this month. With the IUD it's expected that you will eventually stop having a period, but up until this point I've always had at least some spotting. This month, nada. And it just happens to be the month after I have a lot of sex. For the record, it was negative. Whew. At the same time, woo! No more period! To be honest, I haven't bought tampons or anything more substantial than thong pantyliners in over a year, but it's still nice to not have to worry about randomly ruining a pair of underwear.

-I would like to say that I'd like to never have to think or hear about pregnancy again, but not only is my sister about to birth me a fun nephew to play with, but like EVERYBODY is pregnant. It's one announcement after another! I thought the trend would die down but, nope! Babies everywhere! It's quite fun to see people so excited. Yay! You have your babies, and I'll drink my wine and buy them shit and snuggle them and give them back. Everybody wins!

-I weighed myself, just to see what things were like. I weight exactly the same as I always weigh. Although I feel like I've gotten flabbier to the point where my weight is re-distributing itself around my body. Still, no motivation to work out.

-I need to get laid. What?? What? No. Really.

-I like the natural progression this post has taken. It may or may not be correlated to how many glasses of wine I've drank while writing it. If I stand up, I'll be tipsy. If I stay sitting, I'm right as rain. Good thing I brought the bottle with me.

-Also noticed a correlation between how much I drink and how long Chris is gone. I've noticed that it takes me a much shorter time to finish a bottle by myself nowadays.

-Speaking of, my friend's husband went into detox today. He's one of those highly functioning alcoholics. They're admitting him to the hospital so if he has seizures and shit from the withdrawals he'll be taken care of. When he went in, he blew a 0.33. Thirty fucking percent of his blood was alcohol. That's some heavy shit, man. He passed all the sobriety tests and everything too. When you're that far in the bottle, recovery's got to be rough dude.

-Oh, shit. I remembered that I completely forgot all about that book club email that I sent out to everyone. The one where I was like, "Let's really make this happen!" Oops. I haven't even bought the book I forgot so much about it. Right, let me get on that...

-I MISS BATHS SO MUCH! Especially on cold days, or long days at the computer. Or days that end in Y...

-I just love Ellen. You ever watch her show? I catch it every now and again. She's adorable and hilarious.

-Also, Pinterest is full of neat shit. But we all already knew that. Ummm I just randomly came across my engagement ring design, but that's not the lady who made it. Who copied whose design?? The world may never know! All I care is that it's pretty and it sparkles on my hand allll day long.

I'm just going to hit Publish without proofreading because I feel like it.

1 comment:

  1. I am halfway done with The Great Gatsby!! I was waiting for some kind of "Ok, ready, set, read!" but I got antsy.
