09 April 2013


I have a feeling that if toot was here, he'd totally be digging the breakfast-for-dinner I whipped up tonight.

On the agenda:

1. Eat this fabulous dinner. Yes, there's bacon.

2. Hang the blackout curtains, that I made a special trip to WalMart for, under the pretty curtains and hope the light does not shine in my room all. night. long. Sleeping has sucked lately and I'm feeling the effects. Also, Pumpkin has taken to the outside, and has started fighting with the big cat next door. That's fun at 2am.

3. Skype with Ca Dad. His birthday was Saturday and we've been trying and failing to Skype since then. My dad is cool. I miss him.

4. Clean up the bacon grease, pots & pans, etc.

And that, folks, is it.

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