01 March 2015

help me pick

Back to the bathroom. I woke up and put another coat on the swatches, because who would have thought that shades of white on white are difficult to see?

Even with the second coat, it's hard to make out the colors, especially in photographs professionally taken with my camera phone in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

I'm torn between two colors, and I can't make up my mind. The weirder thing is, each color looks different depending on which wall it's on. The lighting in here is truly bizarre.

Also since it has been covered up, I forgot that the countertop has a lot of yellow tones in it. Which helped narrow down the color choices a LOT last night. 

What do YOU think? Color 1, 2, or 3?
(click on the photo to enlarge... not that it helps!)

 P.S. the tile and tub are soon to be re-finished a white very close in color to the trim.


  1. At first I thought definitely the Belgium cream. Then once they got on the wall I like choice #3. On all walls. It will give the room warmth without being to overpowering and anything will match it.

  2. I agree!! Three is where it's at
