26 October 2018

coffee break

I finally got to sit on my back porch in the cool weather!

Ever since I moved in, I've been looking forward to the cooler temperatures. Because sitting on the back porch is MUCH more enjoyable in 70-degree weather than it is in 95-degree weather.

The temperature changed while I was traveling, and I watched my friends' instagram stories from out of state and thought of my lonely back porch.

I haven't been home in 3 weeks, so yesterday I wrapped up my testing in San Antonio early and headed back down I-10.

It's weird, after being gone for so long, walking into my house doesn't fully feel like home. I know it's my house with my stuff in it, and my cat is there, but it doesn't 100% feel like home yet. It's still a welcome sight after a series of hotel rooms.

This morning, in this 60-degree paradise, I've got the doors and windows wide open to replace the stale, recirculated air in the house with cool, fresh air. Taking deep, centering breaths and enjoying the calm.

The window situation in his house is interesting. In the last house, every room had a window, on all sides. Here, one whole side of the house has no windows. Which is good from a home security perspective, but odd from an airflow and light perspective.

The headboard arrived several weeks early, but has been sitting in the box in my living room for those several weeks. Maybe today I'll have a minute to bust it open...

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