02 September 2022


Today I think I will make a 3rd cup of coffee (decaf bc I like myself) and enjoy it with a cupcake.

I have been very into small indulgences lately. Taking the moments of peace where I can get them. A nice stretch, a mud mask, a tiny nap... etc.

This summer flew by in a blur of juggling work and houses. It was so damn hot and we worked really hard, and now much of the work is done and I'm looking forward to a little bit of calm. 

I keep using that phrase.

The hummingbirds have arrived! I counted 6 this morning. They are so much fun to watch.

We are about to go on vacation to Mexico and I'm SO ready for it. There is a walmart near the resort so I can get a few groceries. I'm still not ready to trust the restaurants after the last glutening.

When we come back I suppose it will be time to switch into fall mode. I believe I heard that pumpkin spice is here, but it's so hard to get into the mood when it's still hot outside. Give me that first cool morning and then I'll be happily busting out the scarecrows.

On a slightly deeper note, here's something I've noticed: I've gotten very good at choosing what to care about. I'm not sure if this is due to years of cultivating my own thoughts, or age = acceptance, or simply lacking energy and brain power to devote to dumb shit.

This is especially noted when it comes to self-consciousness. I simply have stopped caring what other people think of me, and it's AWESOME. I have let go of hating certain parts of my body, I rarely worry if people like me, and I'm just ME. My body is what it is, my personality is what it is, and there is no point in stressing over it. 
I guess I got tired of going through life worried that someone won't like my outfit or will critique my big crooked tooth, or will think that my jokes aren't funny, etc. 
Instead of devoting brain waves to those types of thoughts, I've found myself focusing on the nicer things that come with everyday experiences. And it's really easy. I'm so happy that I got to this point in my life.

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