The first thing I did when I came home this morning was clean up another spot of cat pee. There's a big foamy spot of carpet cleaner on top of it. Oh, well I needed to vacuum anyway. I have a feeling that, like last time, she will need a stronger round of antiobiotics. She hasn't really been eating (her old food or her new food), and when she did eat a tiny bit this morning she barfed it right back up. I wonder if that's because of the antibiotics? At any rate she barfed up the last dose I gave her. On my mom's favorite rug. Oy. I hear her hurling again... that poor sick cat's gunna have to go outside man.
Yesterday after pipetting and titrating for three hours straight and wishing I had a graduated cylinder (try pipetting 40 ml over and over with just a 5 ml pipet!), I joined the gang for karaoke. It was a small crowd, which is understandable considering it's the beginning of the semester. C had mentioned going to Kemah and riding the rollercoaster or seeing a movie, but I was so beat, I didn't really want to do anything but be a schlub. Maybe tonight I can make myself all cute and do something with him.
It's a gloriously sunny day and my sister Ashley gets off work at noon so I think maybe I'll do something with her. I haven't chilled with her in a while. She's been having trouble breathing lately so she went to the doctor and did some tests. She was telling me how it went and in the midst of everything somehow she managed to see her 6th grade math teacher naked. HAHA Awkward!
Jacobi, you might keep a good eye on your kitty. Barfing like that may indicate a kidney condition, since she's got a uti too. I know, we had a cat that had to go on special ph balanced pee-pee diet food cuz it kept getting so many. It can end up damaging their kidneys, so if she keeps getting sick, you might need to take her back to the doc. Just a head's up.