No, not that business time.
Order of non-sexual business number 1: My arms feel like they've been hit by a baseball bat. Every time I tried to roll over last night, I was woken up by PAIN.
2. I could eat Honey Nut Chex straight out of the box for the rest of my life.
3. I just burned my mouth on hot coffee. When will I learn?
4. I planted some pea plants a few days ago, and they're growing insanely fast. Way faster than my peppers. They've popped out of the ground and have grown an inch since I looked at them yesterday. They look so cool. I wanted to take a picture but the sun isn't hitting them yet. The squash is also growing fast. Something's going on with that soil or something.
Yay peas! Ya, mine took forever to come up, but then the grew super fast. I bought that trellis for them, but now they dwarf it! No actual peas yet though. I can't wait for that!