04 May 2009

rants and retail therapy

Well I just took the most RIDICULOUS exam ever.

See, normally the format is multiple choice, 4 or 5, maybe 6 possible answers. Pretty standard for every other class I've taken that gives multiple choice exams.

...For some reason for this exam my prof decided to use 10-15 multiple choice answers, with most of them being along the lines of: B, A, and E, or: D, F, and G, etc. Think about it- 10 to 15 is a LOT of possible answers to weed through.
Now, I knew enough to get maybe a high B on the exam. But he got really specific- and with 10-15 possible choices, he pretty much had every option up there. That way it was harder to rule out answer choices if you weren't sure of one of the options.
Then, by the time I was trying to figure it out and there was a cluster fuck in my head, I forgot what the question was even asking.
I was so pissed, especially because a lot of the questions were 2-part. If you knew the first part but got the second part wrong, there was only one answer for the question and you got no credit.

And this was AFTER he made a big speech about how he was in college once and hated when professors made exams really hard at the end of the semester when you've got a lot going on. I don't know what posessed him to make it harder, because the class average on exams is in the 40's to begin with. What a dick.

So after I got home, me and Frankish bonded a little and went to Walmart for some retail therapy and McFlurries. I got two new dresses, but it's okay because I got some unprecedented child support money this week. I think I'm good on buying dresses for a while now.

Look! This one has pockets!!
(But almost no boob room. It might have to go back.)
But it has pockets!!

This one is more conservative. I'm thinking it will be great for a wedding I'm going to in June.
(It's brown, not black, and I'm thinking of pairing it with really bright accessories like a necklace or bag or shoes or something.)

Oh, and I also finished my biodiversity paper on the endangered seahorse- from research to finish- in one day. Now I have to study for my biodiversity exam tomorrow. Ay- at least I have cute dresses.


There is a public blog for the course and it was full of comments about the last-minute trickery. Someone posted a "sample question" from the test, and I had to laugh so hard because that's not a huge exaggeration of what it was like:

"Did you know there is direct positive correlation between high IQ scores and mentally retarded Autistic people.

Create a freaking hypothesis for that and choose a correct answer

a) Every Autistic child is smart.
b) Every smart child is Autistic.
c) Autistic trait is favored by natural selection because it increases there fitness by being smart
d) Autistic trait is NOT favored by natural selection because it decrease their fitness by not securing a mate
e) Autism and High IQ has no direct correlation
f) Autism and High IQ has a trade off. Making them smart at the same time clumpsy
g) Autism and High IQ has a physical constraint relation. Autistic children have a low frequency of having friends; which in turn forces them to stay at home(physical constraint) and study.
h) E,G
i) A,B
j) A,B,E
k) C,D,E
l) B,C,G
m) D,E,G
n) B,F,G
o) D,E,F
p) None of the above
q) All of the above
r) The answer can not be determined by the lack of information. (This last one is really like a kicker in your nuts. After reading the darn question and thinking about the answers from a-q for freaking 10 minus on one question; you now have to worry if this last one could be the correct answer or not...)"

HAHAHA I love it.

That being said, I somehow manage to get a C+/ B- with the 45 I got... I'll be so glad when this all over.


  1. I agree, that's a ridiculous exam...i'd be pissed! go beat your cat, it'll make you feel better.

  2. It's not MY cat that I want to beat, it's my sister's cat.
