Dude, it happened again.
I was sitting in class, feeling really hungry, when I started to feel lightheaded, weak, and shaky.
Then I felt like I was dunked into a tub of icy hot, and my head started feeling intensely tingly and I knew I was having another one of those strange moments. I couldn't get up and walk out because I was afraid I'd fall down, so I just put my head in my hands and tried to be discrete.
Then I could see the blackness coming in out of my peripheral vision, but I knew that I wouldn't actually pass out because I haven't when this has happened before. I just closed my eyes and waited for it to pass. I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't see anything.
I broke out in a cold sweat and I could feel my forehead getting clammy, and my heart was pounding.
I don't know how long it lasted, but it felt like forever. I am so glad it passed before the lecture was over, but I felt exhausted and shaky and my stomach felt crappy.
I went down to lunch, but I couldn't eat anything because my stomach was so upset, so I left early for the day.
I took a little nap and my stomach feels a little better but now my head hurts.
What the heck is this? I haven't noticed a correlation between the few times that it has happened. Once was driving down the freeway, once was in the middle of the night during a migraine, once was when I was changing my prilosec dosage, and this one was in the middle of freaking class when I was starving.
They seem to be getting less intense each time it happens. Really odd.
It is probably stress. That kind of thing tended to happen to me in college, but not so much since I started yoga. I will show you some breathing exercises!