17 February 2010

eeeeeewwwwww x a billion

No Fucking Way.

I think this is for real...
check out the preview.

Can't say I've ever had a hankering for a cum smoothie...

The oysters. Oh my GOD the picture of the oysters.


It's not like I have a huge problem with it in general, but in food?? Purposely??

Then there's all the comments on the post about breast milk, which freaks me out equally, if not more. I know, it's natural, but I'd never try it, and I'm 100% sure if I ever change my mind and decide to have a kid, it will not be sucking on my tits. It doesn't bother me when other people do it, but it is NOT for me. Jizz food is in that category too, haha. To each his own I guess!

I should totally be doing homework instead of telling you guys about the cum cookbook.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. my original comment didn't post correctly.

    -gag- and boob milk isn't bad, i have some in my freezer if you want to try :-P

  3. I just gagged, especially at the picture of the oysters. I think I've told you that I've tasted my own breast milk and it's very "clean" tasting and sweet. Semen is gross. That isn't meant to FEED like breastmilk is...gross gross gross book and whoever thought of such a thing UGH.

  4. PS How did you EVER come across such a thing?!

  5. OK...im just going to come out and say it...I think the book is a genius idea...im sure someone bought the book as a gag gift hahahahaha...

    and i loved that bit about the cocktails...

    I will never in a million years buy it though and i cant imagine most people would. Its a disgusting thought but im sure someone of us have had some kind of penis related germ in our food...who knows what people do to food in the back of a restaurant.

    on the topic of breast milk...i would definitely like to try it, i hear that its sweet and just all around good...
