06 February 2010

vegatables and love

Ugh so tired.
I want to just lay around and magically fill my red cells with hemoglobin.

Starting to think about this year's garden. I think the plot that I tried to grow things in last year is just too small for any real vegetable yield, so when it gets warm I am going to clean it all out and plant wildflowers and sunflower seeds. How pretty would that be?

For the veggie plot, I'm going to have to clear out a patch of the yard and start from scratch. I'm seeing blisters in my future... and hopefully vegetables!

I was watching What Not to Wear last night and it always makes me want to go shopping and update my sad wardrobe. Not to mention throw out all the boring, ill-fitting clothes. There's not really a point to it now, seeing as how I wear scrubs 5 days a week and lay around all weekend. But still.

The other night Chris and I were hanging out and something came up about how we both like something-or-other. I jokingly stated, "You're my missing piece!" He shouted, "My soul mate!" I said, "We're perfect matches!" He commented, "We're so in love!"

After laughing and theatrically gagging on those awful cheesy declarations of love, out came, "Yeah but you're still a shit head" and, "Love you fucker."
Ah... that's more like it.

Ok time to lay around until I feel like doing something.

1 comment:

  1. I know for a fact that you said shit head and he said fucker...was i right?
