I don't get this cat.
She will happily, if not fight to, drink from the toilet, mud puddles, the shower, the condensation on the freaking windows, and out of unattended cups (eewww Pasteurella & Capnocytophaga! Micro is fun, if sometimes disturbing and paranoia-inducing). PSA: DO NOT let your animals drink or eat something that will go into your mouth. That is all. Back to what I was saying.
She will pretty much drink the funkiest water out of anything.
Except when it comes to her water dish.
She will only drink it if it is pristine.
If even a tiny speck of anything is floating in it, that nose turns right up and heads for the nearest toilet or glass of water. Most of the time I can catch her and prevent her from drinking from the even germier toilet or depositing her own germs into my glass, but I am not around all the time.
I don't know what it is. Sometimes I'll take an ice cube and put it into her (pristine) water bowl, and she freaking loves it.
It's so strange!
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