This post is about Chris.
So Chris is a pretty cool guy and he's nice to me and all that stuff, and since we've gotten back together for the 80th time, things have been pretty chill and cool. Like consistently for a while. Which is good.
Elaborate? Okay.
I like that he spoils me and thinks I'm cute even when I'm a ragamuffin. I like that he keeps it real and doesn't try to over-romance-ify things, but he knows when to buy me flowers or jot down a quick little love note. I like that he eats whatever I cook. Even if I think it doesn't taste quite right, he eats it with the appropriate yummy noises and lots of gratitude.
He's got the chivalry thing down, always holding doors open and making me fight to get the check for dinner when I actually have some extra cash. He looks out for me. When he hears about something that would interest me, he makes sure to tell me about it. He tucks me in when I fall asleep watching a movie. He changes my oil and makes sure I have jumper cables and gets the best windshield wipers the store has. You know, stuff I'm sort of clueless about but if I really needed to I could take care of. Since he's nice enough to do it, I don't have to worry.
He's got amazing problem solving skills like for real. I like that he's brilliant but he doesn't shove it in your face. He always has something to teach me. He is also super proud of me. Like prouder than I am of myself. I think he thinks I'm smarter than I really am, but I'm ok with that. He's always bragging about me to his friends and family. They always ask how school is, and other things that they'd have no idea about if he hadn't told them about me. I'd say he's my biggest fan, but Ashley might take offense to that. ;o)
And you know, I've said this before but he's a real decent guy and he's fun to be around. I think he's pretty awesome.
Ok that's about as much as I can gush without feeling like a completely shmoopy girl. I don't mean to be so anti-feelings, but I guess that's just the way I have evolved to be so far.
By the way, tonight's Modern Family episode made me laugh out loud several times.