12 April 2010


Today I re-learned how to take someone's blood pressure the old-fashioned way- with a stethoscope and sphygmomanometer. Too bad my stethoscope was broken- or so I thought. Turns out I just can't hear from one of those very well. My ears are small or jacked up or something. Did I feel super-awesome with a stethoscope around my neck? Hell yes.

We have to do a project that involves validating digital blood pressure cuffs that the blood bank purchased to use in the mobile banks. They have to be calibrated/ validated correctly before they can be used. So we have to validate 11 monitors by comparing the reading it gives to a manual reading, and each one needs 20 values from each method. So 40 x 11 = 440 different readings. That's a lot. Then we have to statistically evaluate each one and calculate the standard deviations and make sure all that junk is within acceptable limits.

Then, on the way home I started to call Chris and tell him all about my adventure for the day, then I realized he won't be answering. Sucks!

The project will actually not be that bad, but it's just one more thing to think about on top of everything else.

I made dinner- grilled chicken tenders with green beans & brown rice. Plus I made extra for lunch. Sweet.

I'm tired!


By the way, half-off peeps and sour cream and cheddar ruffles are great for when you get so frustrated after searching for hours for answers to questions that aren't in the notes OR book. I swear to GOD I'm so sick of this clusterfuck they call CLS school. That's when you say, "fuck a lot of THAT shit," put any old answer, and go eat your emotionals.

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