12 September 2010

List of things I want to buy when I'm rollin' in dough

... not that I actually will be, but this is a wish list of sorts.

  • Tires. By all accounts, I should have gotten them long ago. It's not the price that's making me procrastinate. It's sitting there bored while they do things to my car and then come out and ask me if I want "absolutely necessary add-ons" that I have no idea if I need or not, and probably don't need. I think it's time to take advantage of ask future-brother-in-law to help me out.

  • Contacts. Glasses sliding down my face in the heat? Squinting on sunny days? Gorgeous eye makeup hidden behind frames? Smudged lenses? GOOD. BYE!

  • A Big Girl Bed. No, not for the bom chicka wah wah... we all know I'm not getting any for a while. I'm talking about getting rid of the twin bed that was a former bunkbed with the saggy mattress! I will have at least a queen, grown-up bed. It will have a headboard! It will not have stickers that I didn't even put there, and I'm looking forward to fresh new high-thread-count sheets and fluffy pillows.

  • A wine rack. Not that it's particularly expensive, but classy people have a nice wine rack with a supply of wine at all times. That's right, classy people-- not to be mistaken for drunks, who have bottles of wine laying around on tables (*cough* me *cough*). A wine rack instantly classy-fies things. I want something like this, but I don't really have the counter space. Enter: creativity.

That's about it for now.

p.s. that last axe commercial is my favorite :o)

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