17 December 2010

funka mess

My coworker uses that phrase and I think it's hilarious. Thank goodness for awesome coworkers, am I right?

No appetite lately. I'm hungry, but have no desire to eat. Unless it's random snack-age that's sitting out and requires no preparation and I eat it just to make the hunger go away. Like those damn chocolate covered cherries on the kitchen table. Or the chex mix I made last weekend. I can make a meal out of cherries and chex mix.
I also have been wanting unusual amounts of wine. I usually crave a glass a week, if that, but I've wanted one every day this week. All wine and no food... hm.

This may just be me, but do you ever over-analyze your interaction with people? Not talking about people you know well- like your friends and family, but people who you only sorta know but still have to cultivate a friendly relationship with. Like coworkers or a new boyfriend's mom.

Well, there's a person in my life who falls into that category that seems to not be digging me that much. I can't help but feel that the 'love' is just not there. There's no downright rudeness or anything, just a connotation. Maybe it's for real and maybe I'm just feeling down and over analyzing everything, but it's certainly not helping my mood. I can't think of anything I did to provoke the non-likingness. I've been perfectly warm and friendly. I guess if they truly do not like me than there's nothing I can do about it and they can suck it. If only it were that easy, haha.

Work tomorrow morning. I just want to crawl into bed and stay there for a while. And for nutritious food that I want to eat to magically appear.

Also, I need this.

And no, don't buy it for me.

I can't wait till Christmas is over and I can post "I want this!" guilt-free without feeling like I'm hinting at gift ideas haha.

1 comment:

  1. Dude- I do that with food all the time!!! I hate it. I will have perfectly good food in front of me and suddenly have no appetite at all. And just like you, the only thing that does sound good is ramdom snack stuff. What is going on with that?
    Oh and you are totally welcome to come visit me in nyc. For reals.
