07 January 2011

yet another reason

Why I'm old.

My back went out.

Are you freaking serious??

I'm hobbling around like dad when his back goes out. I kept waking up when I wanted to change positions because I couldn't move without the creative use of my arm and leg muscles. And don't even get me started on getting out of bed or up off the toilet. It's surprising how much you use your back muscles. Like standing up and leaning slightly forward, as in reaching for something. It's killer.

And it's not like it happened suddenly. I just noticed it getting worse and worse over the course of the evening until finally I sat down to watch tv, and then I couldn't get up off the couch. And I'm supposed to help Kathy move this weekend. Hopefully it will loosen up during the day.

1 comment:

  1. 4:29 AM...damn girl.

    I haven't even read the post yet, i just noticed the timestamp on the bottom and i was like WTF...better comment hahaha
