25 February 2011

dreamy dream

Had a really bizarre dream last night.

I dreamed that it was present day and I was at work releasing results when I saw Chris' name on a test order. It's significant to note that I haven't heard from him in several days. Surprised, I looked at where it was from and it was from ICU. So I ran down there and he was in one of the beds, sick.

He was tiny and frail and super skinny, like a lot of the patients I see. When I hugged him he was bony and you could see his ribs and shoulder bones sticking out.

I don't remember asking how he got there, but there he was. And I was so happy to see him. Then he got out of bed and started messing with his laptop and talking to me, almost as if he was fine and it was some kind of undercover operation.

It was so real, though.

When I woke up I knew I had dreamed about him but I couldn't remember what about. It didn't hit me until I set foot in the hospital this morning when I all of a sudden I remembered. And the dream had been so real and it was still very early and I hadn't had much coffee so I almost wanted to go to ICU to see if he was there.
But I figured if it was real, I wouldn't have forgotten about it, haha. I also couldn't help but glance over at "his" bed when I went there today to pick up some labs, and it was empty.

Also, I saw somewhere that they're making an Anna Nicole Smith opera. I'd go.

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