20 February 2011


I don't know why I've heard about so much tragedy happening to good people lately.

First the news about my old roommate, then an old friend, and last night a close friend of my brother's was killed in a car accident. He's absolutely devastated. I want so bad to make him feel better.

I've never lost someone that close, so I can't even imagine how he's feeling. And there's nothing I can do to help. All day long my mom was crying, my other brother was upset, and there was a general feeling of mourning around the house.

A true tragedy. He was so young. My heart aches for everyone who knew him.

1 comment:

  1. It just effing blows. Why can't all the good people in the world just live and die naturally from old age, in their sleep? I keep telling myself that nothing happens that you can't handle...but still.

    I can't stop thinking about it since I was super slow in finding out =\

