Was emailing Chris' mom today to see if she's heard any updates about the whole leave situation, since I haven't actually heard from Chris himself.
Turns out she gets some kind of "briefing" email from the commander or something. I was like, "Whaaa? Why have I not heard about this briefing email?? I'm dying for some kind of information!" only in a nicer way kuz I can't offend his mom.
So she emails it and I take a look at it and it's kinda flim-flammy, but it looks like the leave dates are decided. Although I wouldn't put it past them to change things up again.
The schedule is kinda sucky but I can still manage to take a few days off work... however most of the days I'm planning to take off work are actually after he leaves, for the wedding.
At first I was bummed, looking at the awesome schedule for the sweet 2-week post-wedding-stress leave dates that took some creativity to craft but turned out to be a masterpiece... that I now have to crumple up and settle for 3 days of boyfriend-ful-ness and see him off to battle right before attending a love-fest. [Sorry, Ash, your wedding will be a love-fest no matter how hard you try to make it not one. It's a
wedding.] Brutal! Stab me in the heart right now!
But now, I'm just damn excited. I don't give a shit about the shitty details. I've been looking forward to it for so long that it's hard to put a damper on the underlying excitement. He's going to be here! Besides, I have a feeling that I'll need to get used to bullshittyness and be happy with what I'm given. Oh, did I ever imagine I'd be a military
wife girlfriend? Hell no. But huh, shit, here I am, a year into it.
Anyway, so I try to keep conversation with his mom friendly but not too shmoopy. I mean, she probably figures we like each other and all that, but other than that I don't go into it. The shmoopiest I get is right here on the blog, probably because it's easier to type shmoopy things than it is to actually say them out loud.
But she said something that made me smile. Out of pretty much nowhere, I got, "I know it is hard being apart but you mean the world to him."
Now, in person I would have awkwardly not known what to say. Actually, I don't have any idea how to reply to that in email either. I probably won't. Awkward!
But it was still some kind of small connection in the barren communication world that it's been lately. His momma telling me that gave me that pang of missing-ness that's usually dulled by the fact that I have other interests besides him.
Like the fact that I just made a batch of cinnamon roll muffins from scratch without measuring anything. Man, I'm a kickass baker. Why can't that translate into cooking?
Oy, that's an issue for another day, because I've already babbled this whole post away about shmoop again.