I've decided not to keep updating about Chris' leave.
Every time I hear something, it's worse and worse news than what I heard the time before. I knew the military was a pain the ass, but I had no idea they bullshit you around this much.
Fuck, how many times can I be disappointed? Every time I think, "Well, the situation can't get much worse than this!" and then they get creative with even suckier news that makes it harder and harder to work around.
About 30 minutes after this post, I got a phone call that turned things around and cheered me up about 5 bajillion percent!
Also, this song was in my head all day. No idea why.
"I'm gunna sit on my buuuuttttt."
man this took me back!!! i think the bus driver said hes going to sit on his bus but its funny if he said butt lol