Yesterday. Though the doctor gave me drugs, he commented that the spot in my mouth didn't look very infected. But I knew better. I know how it feels when it's infected. Turns out, not only was it infected, there was an abscess. How do I know? Well, this is your warning.
Do not keep reading if you don't want to read something gross. You have been warned.
I started taking the antibiotics this morning. At about 10:00, it was pretty sore so I went to check it out before I ate my second breakfast. It was still very swollen, and of course I was going to mess with it. I gently pushed on the affected area with my finger. And a bunch of pus came out all at once. It was like, a pocket of pus underneath my gum. So I kept pushing and wiping it away with a paper towel, until no more would come out. It was so gross, and I was fighting the urge to gag- come on, it's in my MOUTH. But at the same time it was oddly satisfying. I swished with some warm salt water, and it was a little less painful after that.
At lunch time, it was still a little swollen and sore, but I was able to eat without much difficulty. By the time I went home at 2, the swelling was down by 90%. It's drastically different. I'm still going to take the rest of the antibiotics, but I think I'll be feeling much better soon. And hopefully that's the last of the pus. Kuz, gross.
Oh, and by the way, don't go thinking I never brush my teeth and have a nasty mouth. In fact, I have really good oral hygiene. The infection is all due to this cranky wisdom tooth. The teeth itself are not decayed; it's the gums. Every time the wisdom tooth comes in a little more, it irritates the gums and they get infected with normal mouth flora and there's not much you can do about it. Which is why they NEED to come out.
And also, learn from my mistakes. When the dentist tells you that you need your wisdom teeth out, even if they're not coming in yet, listen to them. They know what they're talking about. I'd rather have gotten them out years ago than deal with this recurring pain and infection.
So I'll take my drugs and sit in front of the tv and damn I wish my man was here.
wow, now i am paranoid about my wisdom teeth. never had a problem myself but i am thinking to just get them out and be done with it.