Finished Jane Eyre.
I liked it!
Much more readable, and a more interesting storyline.
Next up, Les Miserables. Man it starts off slow. In reading these classics, more than a few times I've wanted to just Google the book and read the Wikipedia summary and be done with it. But, I resisted the urge and I've eventually gotten into the book, at least at some point or another.
I did have to go back after reading Pride and Prejudice, because in my habit of skimming through long periods of drawn-out conversation, I missed a crucial point. Oops. Once I got to the gist, it made more sense. But I still wouldn't call it my favorite.
I wonder I should watch the accompanying movies after reading the books... would it enhance the experience, or only burn me out?
Topic change.
This time change is going to make it very hard to get to bed on time. Darn summertime sun not setting until like 9 o'clock... here we go again. It also makes it harder to talk to Chris. Just as I'm getting off work, his day is starting. As I'm going to bed, he's barely eaten lunch.
Hard to imagine that an hour has that much of an effect. I feel like even if my work schedule were shifted an hour later- in at 6, out by 3- things would be much smoother. Waking up at 5am sounds much more appealing (and doable) than waking up at 4am. Four in the morning is just a strange and unrealistic time to be waking up. But, I've been doing it for over a year now. It's crazy to think that "Miss Not a Morning Person" has been dragging herself out of bed at that crazy hour for so long. It's still not easy or natural. But, it pays the bills.
The one thing I do like about this schedule is, the mornings are very busy and go by very fast. Usually by the time I have the lab up and running and the morning's batch of testing done, half of my day is over. The good thing about being busy is the day rarely drags by. The bad thing is, it's exhausting. I leave at the end of the day with tired eyes and sore feet. Sometimes, lately, I'm sweaty and hungry too. It really takes a lot of physical and mental energy to juggle everything that goes on in a day's time.
As much as I have complained, though, I've gotten back into the mentality of enjoying my job, my days, even my coworkers. I just wish I could find the energy to do something else with my day. It seems all I think about when I punch out is sleep. I'm constantly chasing sleep. I never get enough sleep... except on the weekends. My week is one big sleep-deprived chunk, punctuated by two days of blissful lounging and rest.
One last thing. Today I found out that Mosquito-eaters don't actually eat mosquitoes. That's the whole reason I let them live! I feel like my world has been shifted.
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