25 November 2016

Product love

Dude, I'm popping in just to tell everyone how much I LOVE these Simple face wipes. I started using the Simple products back when my face decided to become one big rash, and I love them so much I haven't stopped.

I use the Day/Night cream on my face and decolletage. Now I'm raving about these things:
I knowwww you're supposed to wash your face every night. I know that. But while I ALWAYS brush my teeth before bed, I don't always wash my face. Especially if I've been drinking. Especially if I don't have work the next day and a shower can wait until morning.
And I've been getting mascara on my pillowcase and I've been breaking out. (Mostly due to hormones, but not washing my face isn't helping.) So I bought these wipes to try and I'm really surprised at how much I love them.

I simply wipe. And they even take off most of my eye makeup. No irritation, no rinsing.
Then when I wake up in the morning, my skin feels great. If you can believe it, my skin almost feels better than if I had showered and washed my face. My skin tone looks a bit more evened out, and any acne I currently had seems better. Because of that, I might try switching to a Simple cleanser.

Anyway, these are my new favorite thing, and I had to share. Try them.

19 November 2016


Another note to self:

It's time you took a hard look at things and accept the fact that he's changed, and there's nothing you can do to change him back into the man who acts like he loves you.

It's ok to hope that things change, but know that he IS going to keep hurting you, unless he decides to change on his own accord.

It's a hard truth to swallow, but it's the truth.

17 November 2016

Note to self

Hey, self. 2 days before your 4th wedding anniversary, here are a few reminders:

You deserve a man you can trust.
You deserve a man who understands how important it is to make you feel loved.
You deserve a man who is willing to try with you.
You deserve a man who is proud to call you his.
You deserve a man who has his own interests, but also wants to share his life with you.
You deserve a man who gives a fuck that he made you cry.

You do deserve that. Because you are a good woman, and because no matter how much you compromise, on a basic level, you need those things to be happy in a relationship.

11 November 2016


Tummy has been unsettled the last few days.

Canker sore says gluten, but I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out from where??

Unsettled tummy and I worked a 10-hour hectic shift today, and work starts at 6am tomorrow, so it's an early bedtime tonight I guess.

05 November 2016

wanderlust, restless

  • Reminded by Suzy's recent adventures in San Diego, I'm craving the grounding that comes from the sound of waves and the smell of salty air.
The heart tugs are strong. My California roots are betraying these southern adaptations. I don't belong in 85-degree November weather! I belong near the ocean, in moderate temperature. In the process of applying for California State Licensure. Just to have on hand... thanks to networking I have job connections in CA now. Just in case?
I'm sure my heartstrings will calm once a cold front comes through. Not that I've been craving change or anything...
At any rate, I'm at least due for a vacation.
  • Wine Fest didn't happen tonight, so I wound up, again, standing in my kitchen trying to figure out how to not hate it.
In reality, I'm going to have to deal with the honey oak cabinets. A massive renovation is not going to happen any time soon. With the right styling I could live with it. Trying to be happy in the now, instead of pining for better days that my never come.
So I repaired some of the broken cabinet doors and drawers, cleaned them up really well, and applied another layer of clearcoat. New knobs to spruce things up a bit.
Also, I think I've finally decided to order a new oven. Home Depot has them on sale and this one has good reviews. Where will I store my cookbooks once the non-functional microwave is gone?? First world problems are abundant over here.
  •  Started a bullet journal. So far, I like it. As a result, my doodling skills have massively improved.