It's been a weird week. And it's only Wednesday.
After a few frustrating setbacks, the plumber came and ultimately fixed the tub issue. He did admit that he had no idea how it had broken, and he'd never seen anything like it. I told you it was weird. He also complimented my tub refinishing skills. Sweet. So now I can finish caulking and enjoy a bath the next time I work out in the yard and my muscles are achey.
The saga continues.
I forgot to mention that this dentist is the super sweet guy who opened his practice on New Years to see me back when my wisdom tooth was infected. Over the years I've always wanted to go back to see him, but he was never in network. Well, now he is.
I tried half of a xanax before my appointment to test it out. I don't know if it's the placebo effect in action, but my anxiety wasn't that bad. Granted, the appointment consisted of simple x-rays, a cleaning, and a small filling to repair the one that had fallen out; it didn't require numbing or drilling, and was in the front. Super quick. It feels SO much better. So smooth.
Now I need to break myself of the habit of tonguing the spot. Remember how he mentioned my teeth are clacking together and chipping because they're crooked? Well I was never aware of it but since he mentioned it, I can TOTALLY feel it now. How did I never notice that? It's weird. I don't know what to do with my mouth.
Anyway, after the cleaning and minor filling business, the real fun began.
Same situation; old fillings got loose and rotted underneath. New cavities are still popping up though. He commented on how my teeth are really freaking clean, my gums are healthy, and he
can't figure out why I have so many cavities. He even did this saliva
test that counts bacteria levels, and if they're high it can lead to cavities. The first one came out low, so in disbelief he
repeated it. Low again.
My new theory is that it's from growing up with undiagnosed celiac. The right minerals were just not absorbed through the damaged intestines, and the enamel is weak. Well... anyway.
Immediately he wondered why my previous dentist didn't start on the big
problems first- she focused on doing the small fillings first and left
the root canals for last, but the insurance money ran out so I didn't go
back. Fast forward a year and I'm finally back in the chair, with a better insurance plan because I knew what was coming.
He said I was in danger of losing two teeth if I didn't get them done
fast. They're right next to each other, and they've got an additional
cavity that formed between the teeth. EVEN THOUGH I FLOSS LIKE A NUTJOB. He showed me the xrays and damn you can totally see them.
So...two root canals and crowns, and that's just the start. There will be two more root canals, one needing a specialist because the root is curved. Sure. Of course.
Now, the xanax was helpful but there's no damn way I could make it through all that fully aware of everything.
His suggestions cracked me up and made me like him even more. He said to stay up super late watching netflix the night before the appointment and try not to sleep. Then to come in exhausted for the first morning appointment where he'd give me a sedative and laughing gas. He said most patients fall asleep through the whole thing. I'm really, really hoping for that. I really don't have a choice.
The cost? Holy crap. Over a grand just for those 2 teeth. Insurance only covers 1 crown every 86 months or some ridiculous longass length of time. So the rest is out of pocket, actually my HSA, until I reach my deductible. I need to go look all that up. The sedation by itself is $200, which in my opinion is worth every penny.
AND THEN after all that's done I guess it'll be time to consider straightening my
teeth. But how do you do that--- can you even get braces/invisalign with
a bunch of crowns??
What I'm trying to say is: I just want teeth when I'm old, and I guess my kitchen counter money is going into my mouth.
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