01 January 2012


Happy New year!

I rang in the new year on the back porch with Chris and my parents. We had plans to go out, but my body had other plans.

Friday I started feeling some pain in my wisdom tooth. I've had pain before when it initially started coming in, so I didn't think anything of it. Then, the pain got worse. At the end of the night it was absolutely unbearable. Chris took me home, stuffed some medicine down my throat, and tucked me in.

Saturday morning I woke up in considerable pain with one side of my face swollen. I called about 15 dentists, and finally found one that was open and willing to fit me in. Considering my dentist anxiety, you know my desperation. Also, I know you don't mess around with mouth infections. They can easily turn deadly.

I dragged Chris out of bed and made him go with me, and the dentist wasn't so bad. He said that the gum around the halfway-out widsom tooth was infected, and had spread towards the adjacent tooth and my cheek.

He gave me two pretty powerful antibiotics and some tylenol with codeine. I was hoping they'd work immediately, but that wasn't the case. I spent all day New Year's Eve pretty much out of commission, trying to eat things that didn't require chewing, but I mostly was just in pain and hungry and trying not to be too whiney.

Needless to say I was pretty disappointed.

It's the last weekend I get to spend with Chris before he leaves, and I spent it miserable.

I didn't get to fully enjoy two parties that I was looking forward to, and overall it was just crap. I was looking forward to going out, having some fun, making some memories.

He, of course, is awesome. Taking care of me, being a good sport about everything. I am so damn lucky and I felt so bad I ruined his weekend too. We had so much more that we wanted to do while he was home, but just ran out of time.

Today at about noon the meds started to work, and I started feeling better, only about 3 hours before Chris had to leave. I have the knack for getting sick at the worst possible times.

So bummed about how this weekend went. Still feeling crappy. Not in the best of spirits. Fuck, this is hard.

But, it's no attitude to have at the beginning of a new year. So I'll try to shake it off. Focus on the blessings.

Even with the rocky start, I know 2012 will be a good one.

(And also it will be the year that I bite the bullet and finally get all my dental work taken care of. Eff this shiz.)

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