16 December 2017


Setting the scene: Crappy Hallmark movie on TV. Fireplace lit. Christmas lights twinkling. Settled on the couch with a scotch glass full of wine. Kitty creeping back and forth across my lap because she can't decide where to curl. (Would probably prefer to curl up on this computer.)

Got the vast majority of my Christmas shopping done at the ATM today. I'm calling it; I'm too darn busy right now to go shopping and fight the crowds, and time got away from me and it's too late to order things online. So I simplified and am going to give cash. Not memorable or meaningful but always appreciated.

So the couple of things still on the list are gifts for the kiddos, stocking stuffers, 5 favorite things, and I'm going to pick up a couple of poinsettias for the neighbors. Still have yet to introduce myself to the new neighbors, and still trying to figure out what to get for the sweet neighbor who always watches Pumpkin. Suggestions?

I think I decided to keep this little computer. I don't love it but I could probably get used to it. Right now it's full of games because Calvin used it for a minute today. OH. Today he gave me an unsolicited "I love you." Auntie win! Andrew was not thrilled with me today because I held him down while mom gave him some medicine. Poor kiddo is in that stage of life where you're constantly sick. Also after a few hours with him I think my clothes have a thin layer of snot and pee and milk. Hm.

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