02 March 2008


It seems like I've been doing a lot of apologizing lately for getting annoyed and snipping at people. Then, as usual style, I get over it fairly quickly, apologize if necessary and life goes on. Of course there are legitimate excuses for the reactions, but I've just noticed that lately there have been more... annoyances. I dunno.

I'm not especially stressed or tired. I haven't been staying up until the wee hours of the morning doing schoolwork or experiencing bouts of insomnia, like I had before. I'm not totally on top of my schoolwork, but I'm not overwhelmed with it. I don't feel physically ill or have major worries.

I think what's happening is that I have fallen into a routine. I came to the conclusion a while back that for me, routine leads to disinterest, boredom and laziness. Although I am pretty laid back and am able to roll with the punches, when things are redundant or repetitive I get annoyed. I thrive on efficiency and productiveness, so long as I'm not overwhelmed and get my down time.

It's a delicate balance, I suppose. I have become bored with my weekly routine, no matter how necessary it might be to retain sanity and make sure everything gets done. I need to shake things up somehow but first I have to find real motivation, haha.

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