09 March 2008

procrastination and green chairs

I wasn't feeling too great this weekend so I stayed in. I should have used that time to effectively study but, ya know...

I have discovered the wonderfulness of Craigslist. I mean, besides the fact that I found my super cool job via Craigslist, I have found some awesome buys. There's this brand new couch for 50 bucks that's in great shape that I'm debating buying. You guys want to sit on a sweet couch or that futon that digs into your ass after a while? I met up w/ a lady today and bought two baskets for 8 bucks, ones that easily sell for 15 bucks at the store. There are a few other things I've been browsing, and it's also a great procrastination tool.

Speaking of, I've got my ochem lab midterm tomorrow and should be studying but I'm hardcore procrastinating. Everything is clean...

One more little tidbit about the super cool job. I mentioned the other day to my lady boss (who is just adorable) that I was looking for a new desk/office chair because the one I have is incredibly uncomfortable and the seat kept falling off while I was trying to study. I janked my dad's sweet "executive" chair for a while, but he needed it, obviously. So anyway at the end of the day my man boss goes, "I have a bonus for you." So I'm like, "ummm?" and he brings out this chair, a typical office chair, pretty comfy and get this: it's bright green. I love it!
Check it out:

In other news, since I wrote the "list of things to do before I die," I've been flossing. Yay for personal hygiene!

Anyway I can't wait till spring break. This week will be kinda nutso.

I caught Pumpkin in her new hideout:

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