31 March 2008

organic food and gum chewing

I gave a bum a granola bar today. I always pack a lunch to snack on during ochem lab, and today I didn't get very hungry so I had extras left over. So when I saw her with the sign at the stoplight I dug in my bag and found a granola bar. I felt kinda good, even though it's not the tastiest granola bar.

Another thing. I've tried a lot of "organic" products lately because a lot of gluten free items are made with organic ingredients. Now, maybe it's just me, but organic usually does not taste better. Maybe it's only this way with the gluten free items, but I'm not impressed with the organic-ness of most of the things I've tried. Just sayin'.

I was reflecting today: I have this habit. I chew gum a LOT, but there's a specific way I always chew it, and I only chew one type of gum.

It all started back in high school when my stomach started going berserk. Before I knew about the godsend of pepto bismol pills and lived on rolaids.

Well, the peppermint in the gum would sort of soothe my stomach, so I chewed it whenever it was upset, which was pretty much constant. It turns out that it's kind of an old wive's remedy. I picked this type of gum because I read in a magazine that it contained the most amount of peppermint than any other gum. And because I chewed it so much, I started chewing half-pieces to make a pack last longer. That, and a whole piece of gum just felt like it was taking up all the space in my smallish mouth. So I developed a habit of chewing my half pieces of gum pretty much constantly.

Even when my stomach isn't upset, I still chew a lot of gum. Especially when I'm studying or thinking hard about something. I can go through a whole pack of gum in a few hours of studying. It's such a habit that I actually get anxious when I run out of gum and I stockpile it when it's on sale or I'm at Sam's.

I've been reading about addictions and stuff for psychology, and I wonder if this qualifies? I mean, I have no desire to stop but I wonder if I could if I had to.

Meh. I'll let myself keep my gum. No one's perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm addicted to addictions, isn't that odd? For example, I've been a soda drinking for years. Sometimes I drink more or less, and at times it gets to where I'll have headaches if I don't get it. I know I'm addicted, but I just don't care. I have quit to the point before that I don't need it anymore... but honestly it's more fun to need it! I've done this with lots of different things. This is why it's a good thing I don't drink or smoke! I'm just to easy of an addict. :)
